Friday, 12 June 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Done!! #Wotw

This week my Word of the Week is:

Another week has flown over. It is hard to think what I've done with my time. We have done the usual home schooling. Ellie seems to be really enjoying it at the moment and we have found our groove with it and sticking to the websites that seems to work for us

Becky got word from one of her college tutors that she's done more than enough work to hand in to be marked so for now she has no college work to do. He said that she might have to do some editing after it's been marked but it's highly doubtful. So that's it, college is done for her until September. I have told her she will have to find something better to do with her time than scrolling thorough TikTok.

Stu is done with all the decorating! He finished the glossing off in the hallway on Monday and I am so pleased with it. It was the worst room in the whole house when we moved in and now it looks so fresh, clean and modern and all it took was a lick of paint.

We finally got the wallpaper up in the living room and it looks like a different room. I say we but Stu did most of the work. I was only there to say there's a bubble there and that bit's not straight. hehehe It has made such a difference. I was a little worried the wallpaper wouldn't go with the wood on the fireplace but it matches so well.

Stu has spent the rest of the week painting the rest of the living room, just white. I didn't realise how yellow and dingy the magnolia on the walls looked until he got painting. It has made such a difference and it looks so much brighter in here. Stu also rearranged all the pictures on the walls so they are level and I am waiting for some photos to be delivered to go in the new frames I've got then the living room is just about done. I want some red cushion covers and a red throw to go over the ottoman, then we're really done.

Stu finished the work around the house just in time because it turns out he's going back to work on Monday. Eek! He should be fine. His boss had made sure everyone is going to be safe but that means the hours Stu will be working has changed. He will still be working the same amount of hours just spread over 5 days a week instead of 4 which is fine with us.

I am really wracking my brains, trying to think what I've done this week and it's not a lot. I have played a lot of the The Sims 4. I go through phases of playing it all the time or not at all. I have had a pretty easy week. Life is easier when Ellie gets on with her schoolwork, Becky isn't flapping over college work and Stu isn't walking around the house saying he's bored. lol


  1. Your living room wallpaper is lovely, I bet it feels lovely now you putting your own touches on your home. I'm like that with Sims 4 Sometimes I just play it all the time then I get bored, usually after having a couple of kids which are hard to look after, lol. I love the toddlers though, the way they waddle when they walk. I find it harder to build now though, the earlier games were much easier I'm sure. It will be strange having Stu go back to work. My daughter goes back next Friday. So she'll only do one day next week, nice way to break back in I guess! x

  2. Sounds like you had a very productive week. I had my granddaughter last week so this week has been much quieter. I've missed her! But I've gotten more done. :)

  3. Decorating always takes so much time. All the moving furniture and bits and pieces around, then back again. Your home sounds like a light and bright place now. Well done to Ellie for finding her way through the home schooling challenge. It is not easy to feel motivated. How lovely the Becky is free until September. Hope she finds something to keep her busy. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. #wotw

  4. I think you've done quite a bit this week! it does help enormously when the home school work goes well :D

  5. Glad Ellie has settled into a groove with the school work and how nice for Becky to be finished with college work until September. Love the wallpaper in your living room and what a wonderful feeling it must be to be done with the decorating. It’s amazing what a difference it makes when you repaint isn’t it even if you hadn’t been aware of the previous paintwork looking dingy. Hope that all goes well for Stu with returning to work. #WotW

  6. Your living room wallpaper looks great! Good for Stu. I think so many of us are doing home improvement projects right now. My hubby is usually reluctant to do projects around the house, but he has been painting and even installed a new door outside. He's been cleaning out the basement too. I'm not complaining! :)

  7. It's amazing how much of a transformation a few colour changes can make! Our hallway is a disaster zone too and I'm really looking forward to getting it sorted eventually :) I hope your week is going well and things aren't too strange with Stu back at work! #wotw
