Saturday, 20 June 2020

Week 25 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

We have had a good week. A visit from Becky's girlfriend, more work done around the house and garden and Stu returned to work. There was a big update on Fortnite which cause great excitement and Ellie hasn't been too bad with getting on with her school work. The weather has been a bit hit and miss. It way grey but really warm at the start of the week then on Thursday the rain came. Ugh!

Now for a photo every day.

My youngest sat on our new bean bag playing on her phone and my new pink hair.
18th birthday banners up at the window
My new picture frames with family photos waiting to go up on the wall.
My plants repotted into bigger pots
Home made bread rolls and my back garden in the rain

165/366 - 13th June
We got a new bean bag that I won from Rasie Bay's blog. We love it and the kids have claimed it as theirs. The arguments they've had over who gets to sit in it have been unreal.

166/366 - 14th June
I went back to the pink hair. I've not seen my dad this week, he's going to tell me off again for messing with my hair. lol

167/366 - 15th June
Becky's girlfriend came to spend the afternoon here. It was "A's" 18th birthday so we had to celebrate a little. Banners, pizza and of course cake!

168/366 - 16th June
The photo prints I ordered from Snapfish arrived and I put them in the frames I bought a few weeks ago. They're up on the wall now and they look fab.

169/366 - 17th June
I moved the plants from their little pots into larger one's. They are tomatoes and strawberries.

170/366 - 18th June
We made bread rolls with the Father's day baking kit that I blogged about earlier in the week.

171/366 - 19th June
Another wet day. It's one of those annoying wet days where it rains for 20 minutes then is dry for half an hour then chucks it down again.

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  1. Hehehe you and your hair, you crack me up ! I do love the pink though. We've had loads of rain here this week too and just like you said, on-off all day. A pain in the bum when trying to decide what to wear to go to work. I got soaked without a coat midweek !

  2. Oh get you! I can't keep up with your hair colours hehe! I would love a bit of pink in my hair, but the pastel shade just in the ends. I'm not sure if a brighter pink would suit me but you're totally rocking it!
    I love your family photo frames, you've chose some lovely pics for them.
    We've also had lots of wet days, it's been storm after storm. It's giving our new lawn a good watering though so it's all good. x

  3. I love your pink hair! How lovely to have a celebration with Becky's girlfriend for her birthday. The bean bag looks great. My kids would argue about it too! The rain this week has been horrible. We had very heavy rain Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!

  4. Loving the photos. I need to print out more and put them up. I'd love a big bean bag like that although I'm sure N would claim it for himself.

  5. The beanbag and the photos look fab. You've done so much to the house in lockdown. Nice for Becky to be able to celebrate her girlfriend's birthday.

  6. Your plants are looking good! We moved our tomatoes to bigger pots this weekend too but several of them have already died - hopefully the last six will survive the summer :o)


  7. My boys were most excited about the update on Fortnite too. Love your hair, wish I was brave enough to change mine

  8. That bean bag is a dream come true. I imagine my guys would love it. Your pink hair makes me think of phloxes, the same intense colour. It suits you. I've never grown strawberries from seeds. My tomatoes are huge now, I had to tie them up today to the frames above as the stems are getting too heavy with leaves. I had to smile that your Dad could tell you off. My Mum's the same, we are still kids to our parents, whatever our age.

  9. That is an awesome shade of pink! Always wanted to try dyed pink hair but don't think it would take nor last well in my hair!
    What is it about beanbags that people love so much? Give me a sofa any day! :) Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

  10. Love it, you and your hair. I do love the pink too. We've had loads of rain here this week too. Although it has brightened a bit x

  11. Cool beanbag and fancy hair. Great pictures. Bread roles look delicious. We've had a strange spell of rain here too

  12. The bean bag looks so comfy!

    Love that pink colour.

    The frame looks fab, a great way to show your fav photos.

  13. Love the pink hair, hope A had a great birthday can not beat pizza and Birthday cake, I have never made bread rolls but have always fancied giving it ago. I am with you on the weather its been a little bit like that this evening x

  14. Well done on your bean bag win! What a fab prize, looks like its been put to good use already. Love the vibrant hair! Nice change, I always stick to brown maybe its time to be more bold! x

  15. Love your pink hair, it looks great. Hope A had a lovely 18th birthday. I love that bean bag, it looks so comfy. Love the photo frames too - and such lovely photos to go in them. #project366

  16. Love your hair, my dad was the same when ever i cut and coloured mine. Happy 18th birthday to A. The bean bag looks really comfy, I could do with one of them

  17. I have never dyed my hair! Glad you were able to have a mini celebration for the 18th birthday and congrats on your bean bag win #project366
