Friday 5 June 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: New normal #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This past week has felt different. We seem to have found a new normal (again). We're all still home but things have changed with the lock down rules and has made life slightly better for us. The rule about seeing people in your garden has been the biggest change for us this week.

Becky's girlfriend came for a visit. It was just typical that the day she came was the worst weather wise of the week but it didn't bother the girls it was spitting with rain, they had umbrellas. They opened the garage doors and sat in the doorway on the garden chairs with the table between them, technically they were still outside. They did me proud and kept their distance from each other, they had a great time together. Chatting on video chat is OK but seeing each other in person means so much more.

We also went to see my dad and his partner. We all haven't been to his since the middle of April when we dropped Sarah some birthday presents off. It was lovely to have a face to face catch up and see all the work he's done on his garden. He's coming over in a couple of days to see the work we've done in our garden. He hasn't seen all the painting we did and everything growing. 

A few weeks ago I went onto the Wilko's website and they had hardly anything in stock and a long wait for a delivery but it seems that things are getting back to normal for them too. They finally have tins of gloss in and not just the expensive stuff which we are in desperate need of to finish the hallway off but while I was on there I decided we needed a few other things too like the wallpaper for the living room which I have been umming and ahing over for about 8 months, a new hosepipe, watering can and a few other bits which were in their sale. Curtains reduced from £30 to £15 and some big picture frames from £12 down to £6. Things must really be getting back to normal for Wilko's, they have seeds back in stock which they haven't had since before lock down started.

Stu has a week and a half to finish the hallway and get the wallpaper up in the living room before he returns back to work. Eek! I can finish off painting the living room and I am sure I can get the girls to help.

This past week we have really knuckled down with Ellie's school work. I have found writing a list of what she will be learning during the week helps her work better. (why didn't we think of that before. Doh!) If she can see what she has to do that day and cross it off she is a little more keen to get stuff done. Don't get me wrong she still has moments and days where she wants to do nothing but a list really does help with everything. 

The rest of the week I have been pottering around the garden. I moved some of the plants I've grown from seeds out of pots and planted them in the ground. I build a sort of frame for the peas to grow and of course did more weeding. The rain was very welcome on Wednesday and it gave me a break from having to water it.


  1. Social distancing is so hard when you're separated from the ones you love. Your daughter and her girlfriend must have been so pleased to see each other, but nothing beats a good hug, does it. I can't wait until I can hug people again! Sounds like you've had a good week! I've been getting ready to decorate too - might as well - I don't have anything else to do! x #WotW

  2. How lovely that you are able to see family and friends again (in a socially distanced way of course.) I Saw my brother too this week, in the garden. My kids gave him marshmallow hugs where you squish your arms like you are pretending to hug but without touching. It sound like you are getting plenty done in your house, I bet it's going to look so lovely soon. x #wotw

  3. I went on the Wilko site, this week, for the first time in years. Didn't realise I'd chosen the right week. Glad you got the bits that you needed. Typical that it would rain on the day of Becky's get together. Must have been lovely to see your father again. I find lists work best with my younger two too. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

  4. Sounds like you were a regular busy bee. And it is great to be able to see important folk face to face.Our garden has been a great source of pleasure too. #WotW

  5. So good to be able to see people face-to-face - glad you were able to see your dad and Becky could spend time with her friend. I've noticed that things are back in stock in shops now too which is good - good luck with getting the decorating done before Stu is back at work. Glad the list is working well for Ellie and helping her get her school work done. #WotW

  6. Going twelve weeks without seeing each other must have been so tough, I'm so glad Becky has had some time with her girlfriend this week! Garage dates are all the rage these days, right? :P We've been able to get more done in the house now too, it feels good to make some progress on things doesn't it? Brings a little bit of normality back which I've been craving. #wotw
