Tuesday, 17 August 2021

(Ad - Gifted) New launches for Mr Lees! Breakfast porridge & Instant congee.

I am always on the lookout for new foods to try. Over the years I have tried lots of food through my blog and have then went on to buy it regularly with my food shop. I think we have found something else to add to my shopping orders.

One thing I am amazed we've never tried is anything from Mr Lee'sMr Lee's is a brand of gourmet instant noodles and congees made using the finest ingredients and nothing artificial. Gluten free with vegan options.

New launches for Mr Lees

Following on from the sad death of Damian Lee. (the creator of this range) in January 2021, Mr Lees are honoured his wishes and launched some new products. These products were developed with Damian and continue his legacy of delivering healthy alternatives to a market requiring quick, simple foods.

New to Mr Lees is Breakfast Porridge. Mr Lee’s are expanding into the porridge market by offering a new healthy, no nasties breakfast solution with real fruit. The porridges are gluten free and certified both vegan and low in sugar, they are the perfect healthy breakfast solution.

Mr Lees Breakfast Porridge

The Porridge comes in three flavours: 

So Very Berry, a blend of three grains with real pieces of strawberries, raspberries and goji berries which will give you energy to start your day right.

Salted Caramel for those with a sweet tooth but still wanting a healthy breakfast. A blend of three grains, naturally sweetened with coconut blossom sugar.

Finally, the Original flavour, a blend of three grains for a delicious traditional creamy porridge that you can tweak to your preferences.

We have tried the So Very Berry & the Salted Caramel and can say they are delicious. I am on a bit of a health kick at the moment and have been eating porridge for breakfast even before trying these so they came at a perfect time. They taste healthier than other porridges available and they will be going on my shopping list.

The second product that has launched is Asia’s number 1 comfort food – congee. Congee (also called konji, conjee, juk, jok and jook) is a traditional pan-Asian staple food recipe, enjoyed by millions across Asia. The dish stand outs for its versatility as it can be served in many different forms. It is usually prepared with rice although other grains and beans can also be used. The meal can be either savoury or sweet and countless combinations of ingredients can be added.

The savoury instant rice porridges feature two flavours, Original Congee Rice Porridge made with a unique blend of grains, soy sauce, real ginger and pieces of spring onion and Chicken Congee Rice Porridge made with a unique blend of 3 grains, freeze-dried shredded chicken breast, mushroom, real ginger and pieces of spring onion.

This comfort food is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner and boasts benefits of being low in sugar and fats, made with no artificial ingredients and gluten-free. Congee has been thought to nourish the body by improving digestive functions and boosting energy as well as enhancing sleep quality and helping blood circulation. Due to it being low in calories it is also the perfect solution for weight management.

Original Congee Rice Porridge

I had never heard of Congee before trying these and I must say I am very impressed. I did prefer the chicken flavour more than the original just because it had more flavour to it but the kids preferred the original.

To make these you just add boiling water, stir and leave for about 4 minutes. They are simple to make and are perfect for eating on the go as long as you have a spoon.

These are all available from Amazon, the Mr Lee’s website, vending machines and Ocado at the RRP of £2.25.

We were sent these new products from Mr Lees to try out free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

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