Wednesday, 20 October 2021

(Ad - Gifted) Reusable sanitary pads from Trade To Aid.

Disposable sanitary products contribute millions of tons of plastic to landfill every year. Each woman can use between 5 and 15 thousand pads or tampons during their lifetime, the vast majority of which end up in landfill or polluting the oceans. Most disposable pad brands are over 90% plastic and contain synthetic additives, many of which are damaging to both women’s health and the environment.

Reusable pads are much better for our world and ourselves and recently I have been sent some to try out from Trade To Aid.

Reusable sanitary pads from Trade To Aid.

Reusable pads and the Trade To Aid reusable pads are designed in the same way as disposable sanitary pads and are used the same way too. Instead of throwing them away reusable pads can be removed, washed and reused. The whole process is quick, easy, clean and comfortable.

Made with a super soft bamboo charcoal layer, a highly absorbent microfibre core and a recycled waterproof membrane. The pads are free from the synthetic additives and nasty chemicals found in disposable pads, they are kind to your body. 

Trade To Aid pads

I was sent the Reusable Sanitary Pads (Pack of 6) box to try out which contains 2 heavy flow pads, 2 medium flow pads and 2 light flow pads and a waterproof wet bag. 

These pads have the same tried and tested design as standard disposable sanitary pads and work the same way. You fix them to your underwear via the two small clips that are attached to the wings, a lot like the sticky wings on disposable pads. Once you have finished with a reusable pad, you remove it and fold it up and place it in the sealable waterproof bag until it is time to wash it.

Sanitary pad washbag

Many women put off using reusable pads because of the thought of washing them. If you are out an about you can put the pad in the wash bag supplied with the pads or if you are home just place it in a bowl of cold water to soak. Cold water helps lift out bloodstains. Soaked pads can be washed in a standard dark 40-degree wash or by hand. You can use light detergent but fabric softener will leave a residue on the pads, which you don’t want. If you are worried about disinfecting the pads then you can add some white vinegar to the wash too which is perfectly safe and fine for your washing machine and great for other clothes too! Apart from the soaking washing reusable pads is the same as washing any other clothes! Drying them on the washing line in direct sunlight is ideal but when this isn't possible drying them in front of a radiator is fine. The pads are designed to be absorbent so they’ll absorb a lot of water and will take a while to dry.

These arrived just at the right time. I had been on my period for a couple of days so it was the perfect time to try them out because I didn't have such a heavy flow. They were so soft to touch and when I tried them on they were so comfortable. Way better than plastic, disposable pads. I liked that they came in different sizes depending on what your flow is like because not every day on your period is the same. I didn't have to change them quite as often as disposable pads and towards the end of my period usually my skin is started to get irritated with these it wasn't. I do at least one load of washing a day so washing the reusable pads has been easy. I have a bin in the bathroom half full of water and that is where I have been soaking the pads. Stu did roll his eyes when he noticed the pads hung on the line, worried about what the neighbours would think but to be honest I don't care. 

I have realised that to use these for all of my period I will need more than the six that I was sent and I do intend to buy more as I have got on so well with the one's I was sent to try. The average woman in the UK spends some £13 a month on sanitary products. That works out to over £1,500 a year so once I have bought another couple of packs I will actually be saving money.

Period pads

Trade to Aid have joined the fight against period poverty. For every pack of reusable pads sold, Trade To Aid donate a pack to someone in need of a better period. Trade To Aid is a non-profit social business and they use every penny of the profits to donate packs to a woman in need in a refugee camp, a conflict zone, or a natural disaster. The profits also go towards funding menstrual education and hygiene programmes.

The pack of 6 reusable sanitary pads cost £29.97 and I think that is a fantastic price considering how much you will save in the long run. Reusable pads will last 5 years or more and also vastly lower your carbon footprint and contribution to landfill.

Have you tried reusable pads before? How did you get on?

I was sent the pack of 6 reusable sanitary pads free of charge in exchange for this blog post.


  1. This is a great review! I am one of those women who are afraid of trying a reusable pads, so this gives me better insight.

  2. Such a good idea. The waste we've created is alarming. #Blogtober21

  3. Thanks for a great review, I would be one of those worried to try reusable pads. The saving by switching to reusable is amazing! I don't need sanitary products thanks to the iud but I would definitely make the switch if I did!
