Sunday, 24 October 2021

Grey clouds, blue sky. #MySundaySnapshot

The weather really has changed this week. It's been big coats and gloves for me. The kids are still going out without their big coats although Ellie did give in and wear a jacket yesterday when she went out for friends but that was more to look good than to keep warm.

We have had so much rain. I did think early on in the week that I wasn't going to get any washing out on the line but thankfully I managed to get a few loads dried there between the rain downfalls.

Poor Ellie got soaked going to school most mornings this week and Becky got soaked coming out of college on Wednesday when the rain was at it's worst. The rain was so freaky on Wednesday, one minute it was sunny the next a grey cloud would appear from nowhere and it would chuck it down then the blue skies would come back. We even had some thunder.

Grey clouds under my garden

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. I've chosen a sky photo today too. The weather has been very changeable this week for sure. I was sat here one morning while it was raining and stormy and within an hour it was really sunny and dry. xx

  2. Love watching the sky during a storm

  3. Nice photos! I think we’re expecting rain as well this week.

  4. That looks like a big storm rolling in...hopefully rolled right on past! #SundaySnapShot

  5. Looks like the weather has changed! I just got back from a trip to Hull to visit my dad and we had lovely weather! Sorry about your (now) grey skies.

  6. Oh gosh the sky looks meanising X #mysundaysnapshot

  7. That weather sounds terrible! That is a very dramatic sky. We've had some rain, but nothing as bad as that and I'm still going out without a coat some of the time.

  8. The weather has been somewhat extreme of late - hope you are keeping well. Thanks for sharing and linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
