Sunday, 17 October 2021

Bargain chocolate. #MySundaySnapshot

So it begins, I have started buying some of the treats for Christmas. First up is the tubs of chocolates. I spotted them on offer in Tesco, 2 tubs for £7. I can't see them being any cheaper in the run up to Christmas, I will kick myself if they are.

I think the Quality Street and Roses are my favourites. They have been put away, in the cupboard under the stairs and I do hope they are forgotten about until at least the beginning of December. This might be the year where I don't have to keep buying them.

Tubs of chocolate

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. Good luck with not opening them! I'm the opposite to you - I prefer the Celebrations and Heroes, although I do love the big purple and green triangle Quality Streets.

  2. Good luck with keeping them hidden. I had to pump up the cost of a shop yesterday to avoid delivery charges and I chose a big bag of mini sweets for the Halloween callers...they didn't last long! I have two weeks to buy some more!

  3. I will need to go and get some. I buy them for the dustmen, doctors, pharmacy, and posties.

  4. You're very organised! I wouldn't be able to resist chocolate if I bought it so early! My favourites are Celebrations :o)


  5. I have such a hard time buying any sorts of sweets ahead of time too! Good luck!

  6. You really have to start a head of time for Christmas in putting away treats and presents. Looks like a good buy. #MMBC

  7. Yummy! I have bought some too, but I have a feeling they are going to be raided well before Christmas comes! x

  8. I think you are right that's the cheapest they will be. Our teen has already eaten a box. We just can't save chocolate until Christmas.

  9. What an amazing collection, christmas is coming x #mysundaysnapshot

  10. What a fab idea - I really need to stock up ready for Christmas now. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
