Saturday 2 October 2021

Week 39 of #Project365. 25th September - 1st October. A photo every day for a year!

This year is flying over, I really can't believe we're into October already. I do like Autumn but I'm not keen on all of the rain that we've been having.

We have had a good week. The kids have been making me proud, Ellie at school and Becky finally started work in a care home, she's loving it. We don't have much planned for the weekend. I think we are going to have a lazy one. I have felt tired all week. Becky has been up early most days and has a habit of settling multiple alarms to wake her and the half past six one always seems to wake me too, my alarm isn't usually set until 7am. She doesn't have to be up at half 6, it's just an alarm to wake her so she can turn it off an wait for the 7am one. Grr! 

Now for a photo every day!

Washing out on the line
Porridge and rain on the window
A fruity candle and my youngest girls school photo
A chip butty and Fruit Bowl products

261/365 - 25th September
Washing out on the line and I am enjoying it because I know it's not going to last for much longer with the weather changing.

262/365 - 26th September
Porridge for breakfast.

263/365 - 27th September
It was a very rainy Monday. I made the mistake of leaving the back door just before it rained, of course the rain came inside and I was there with the mop and a towel drying it up.

264/365 - 28th September
Everyone but me was out so I had a candle burning all day. My family aren't keen on the smells but I love scented candles, especially fruity one's which remind me of summer. This one was mango and lime.

265/365 - 29th September
Ellie had her school photos a little while ago and this was the proof which was sent home. I couldn't help but chuckle, what a scruff. She could have at least tied her tie properly. I am surprised the teachers didn't say anything. 

266/365 - 30th September
It was another wet day and I wanted something nice for lunch so got a chip butty, with gravy and scraps delivered for Stu and I. It was good.

267/365 - 1st October
Some Fruit Bowl samples. The Blackcurrant yoghurt flakes are our favourite.

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  1. I love that you do this. I don't on my blog but have started using instagram daily, and I love just seeing everyone's nice photos

  2. I love Fruit Bowl, we always have a stash of different fruity treats. I don't like gravy on chips, but I love scraps, pity we don't get them very often down here, I remember we used to have to ask for them for my Nan, but they just don't bother anymore. I'm the only one in my house that enjoys the smell of a candle burning too. xx

  3. Love Ellie's school photo, can't stand it when teens pose for photos that look nothing like them, great to see Ellie has so much confidence in herself. I love scented candles but can never find anything to light them with, then I forget

  4. Love this! I have been dodging the rain to get the washing on the line but have given up now as think the weather is too be bad for us going forward, will miss the smell of line dried washing over winter :)

  5. oooh chip butty. Yum!! #Blogtober21

  6. I tend to burn my candles when I'm home by myself too as most of my guys complain. I tend to like candles that smell like yummy baked goods (but then they do make me hungry!).

  7. Natalie Barletta2 October 2021 at 22:40

    I love this idea. Great photos!

  8. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing your photos!

  9. Can't beat chippy! We had fish and chips for tea today :)

    Corinne x

  10. N's a strawberry and raspberry yoghurt flakes fan. So funny that Ellie's photo was a bit scruffy. Ooh I've not had a chip butty for years.

  11. Well done girls, no wonder you are proud. The rain photo is a familiar one to me this week too. Oh can't beat chippy! xxx

  12. What a cool idea! There are so many little memories here. I left my window open because I like hearing the rain and it left a lot of water inside too!

  13. I like the picture of Ellie in her school photo, she looks happy and relaxed.

  14. I am like you, I like scented candles but the rest of the family don't seem to! Had to smile at the tie not being done properly!

  15. I can totally relate to the washing, as I write this I am hoping to put the boys school clothes on the line this morning. So difficult to get everything dry this time of year. I love Ellie's school photo she looks really happy. I like scented candles too but don't get the chance to light them on the same basis and haven't had any time at home on my own for so long!

  16. Lovely to still be able to get washing on the line. Ellie's school photo made me smile - we had one of Jessica one year where she had a very runny nose and I was surprised no-one had got her to wipe it! I edited it out in Photoshop in the end. The mango and lime scented candle sounds lovely. #project365

  17. I have been getting the washing on the line as much as possible, it smells so much better.That candle sounds wonderful. We have school photo's next month

  18. We've not had much rain yet so it doesn't really feel like autumn! Just waiting for my daughter's pics to get the full set this year :) #project365

  19. I'm like your family because of my asthma I can't do candle smells. Lovely for you though to have time to do it with them all out! WWhoops nite to self, when it rains close the door!
