Sunday, 31 October 2021

Hot chocolate weather! #MySundaySnapshot

Blankets have been brought out, the curtains are getting closed earlier, the fire is being put on sometimes and hot chocolate is our drink of choice at the moment.

A couple of months ago I got some Lucky Charms hot chocolate from B&M and forgot about it until last week. It's just normal hot chocolate with the Lucky Charms marshmallow pieces. I made one the other night and it was so good. I of course added cream and that was just perfection. I wished I had bought more now.

Hot chocolate

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. That looks and sounds delicious. I have been hot chocolates quite regularly every night :)


  2. It looks amazing! Although I must admit I never drink hot chocolate (or any hot drinks!). My parents occasionally make one for the kids, but nothing fancy like yours.

  3. mmmm, looks so good. My daughter asked for hot chocolate in the shopping but I forgot, I'll have to send Graham out to get some now xx

  4. Oh yum, what a lovely looking hot chocolate X #mysundaysnapshot

  5. Got to have squirty cream in you hot chocolate, not sure the marshmallows add to it but my lads like it

  6. That looks very colourful! What is the flavour?

  7. This looks lovely. Are they lucky charms? #mmbc
