Friday, 29 October 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Happy! #WotW

 This week my Word of the Week is:


I was going to use "Half Term" but I used that during the last half term so thought I would go with happy! There has been a lot of happiness this week. The kids have been off school and college, they've spent time with friends and it has been a really good week.

These are the first school holidays which have felt pretty normal, well normal since the virus reared it's head. Ellie went out to play with some of her friends on Saturday. They went to the woods and messed around as kids do. I know this because Ellie's friend videoed it and put it on YouTube. hehehe I always know what Ellie is up to thanks to her friend vlogging everything. When it started to get chilly two of Ellie's friends came back here and they played Fortnite. One on the xbox, one on Stu's PC and Ellie on hers. It was madness, shouting between the living and dining room but it was good, it felt normal, how it used to be.

Becky's girlfriend came to visit on Sunday and stayed until Tuesday afternoon. They were happy to spend some time together. Between work and college they are appreciating every minute they get together. If either of them do complain about not seeing each other I remind them of the lockdowns when they had to make with just video chatting.

Becky was worried about being paid as she had trouble opening her payslip which was sent via email in a PDF document. The password wouldn't work, Becky emailed and it was sorted out in no time thankfully. She has a feeling they had the information that was the password wrong as they issued a new payslip and she got straight into it. She has been underpaid which she wasn't too happy about. Ugh. The hours she did for her induction haven't been added to the hours she has worked over the past month. She never filled in time sheets for the induction as she assumed someone else would, it was only the week after she started filling them in herself after she was showed. She is going to speak to a manager this morning after her night shift. It should be easily sorted and she will have extra money at the end of November which will come in handy for Christmas.

On Wednesday Becky took Ellie into town. Becky has always said that she would treat her sister to a fun day out when she got paid and they had the best time. They had burgers and chips for lunch, looked around the shops and had a Starbucks, cakes from Greggs. They used to be as thick as thieves years ago but over the last year or so they have grown apart a little as they have different friends, interests and there is the 5 year age difference so it was nice that they got to spend some quality time together.

I feel happy knowing my girls are so happy but the highlight of my week was getting a Christmas delivery slot with Asda. They were released yesterday and when I went to choose mine there was loads of choice. I think I will do what I did last year and try and get one with Tesco too for the day before my Asda slot and then whatever they don't deliver I can order from Asda.

Word of the Week


  1. That sounds like a very happy and relaxed week.

  2. Aww sounds like a lovely week :) Happiness is definitely a Christmas delivery slot!

  3. Glad you had a good week, and the girls too. Hope it lasts long!

  4. What a lovely week, it's so good to see your kids happy. My daughter has had her boyfriend around twice this week, but we had to cancel Boo's friend coming around because her sister was ill.

  5. It sounds like a fun and relaxing half term. I'm impressed you've booked a delivery slot for Christmas already, I haven't even thought about it yet!


  6. Ah that sounds like a lovely half-term and I'm glad it was a happy one. I love that Becky took Ellie out after she got paid - what a lovely thing for them to do together and sounds like Ellie had a fun time out with her friends too. Hope that Becky's pay gets sorted out without too many problems. Well done on being organised with booking Christmas slots. #WotW
