Sunday, 21 August 2022

A tomatoey surprise. #MySundaySnapshot

Over the past couple of weeks I have neglected my garden. Having Covid and the heat put me off going outside and I have just left it alone, Stu did water it a few times but that's it. I went out there during the week to have a look what had survived the latest heatwave and had a surprise that there was some tomatoes growing. I thought they had all died off a long while ago but there is at least 30 little tomatoes growing. Hooray!

Tomatoes growing in the garden

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. Fresh tomatoes are a wonderful surprise and a tasty one too. #MMBC

  2. That's a wonderful surprise. Love fresh tomatoes! They always taste so much better than the store ones. Enjoy!


  3. Thisiswhereitisat24 August 2022 at 19:24

    Well done on your surprise x

  4. The tomatoes look amazing! It is surprising they survived the heat and the lack of water.

  5. Mmmm tomatoes! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  6. That's brilliant! Having nurtured my tomato plants all spring and summer I ended up being away on holiday during prime harvest time, I was so disappointed as I didn't have anyone local that I could send round to get some! But I came back yesterday and although some were too overripe to eat I did manage to pick a huge bowlful which I'm planning on making into some tomato soup today!
