Saturday, 13 August 2022

Week 32 of #Project365 6th - 12th August. A photo every day for a year!

This past week was the one where Covid caught up with us. Stu first on Saturday and then me and the girls tested positive on Tuesday. To be honest we haven't been that ill, nothing more than a cold but we have also have had the heatwave to deal with which has added to making us feel rubbish. It was hard to tell whether we were sweating because of the heat or because of Covid, the same for not sleeping and tossing & turning in bed, was it Covid to blame or the heat? We're still not sure. lol

Now for a photo every day!

Positive test and cuppa and food
My fella sitting in the garden
Star Wars heads
My eldest being poorly and paracetamol
My eldest sat on the sofa

218/365 - 6th August
Covid arrived in our house, we think Stu caught it from work as they are encouraged to go in as soon as they feel up to working even if they are on day one of testing positive and having Covid. Ugh! Stu had felt rotten all afternoon at work so I made him do a test, he got the two lines almost instantly and I sent him upstairs to isolate in Becky's bedroom, she came in with me.

219/365 - 7th August
I made sure I kept Stu fed and watered. He lost his appetite so had beans and sausages on toast and even that he didn't eat much of. He lost his sense of taste and smell. I spent the day stressing and worrying about the rest of us being ill.

220/365 - 8th August
Stu started to feel better so went and pottered about in the garage for a little while and then ended up dozing off in the garden.

221/365 - 9th August
A present that I ordered for Stu's birthday that I ordered ages ago and had forgotten about arrived. Star Wars heads. The rest of us tested positive!

222/365 - 10th August
Poor Becky was not well on Wednesday she was feeling rubbish. A wet towel on her head helped. She slept off and on for most of the day.

223/365 - 11th August
Paracetamol have kept us all going this week. I woke up feeling OK on Thursday but as soon as I sat up the snot took over. I didn't feel any worse than I have been though. Ellie has been great though, she had a snotty nose and that was it, nothing worse than having hay fever!

224/365 - 12th August
Curtains shut to keep the heat out and we spent most of the day on our laptops and watching TV. The less we move the better we feel.

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  1. Sorry to hear you all have Covid. Hope you are all fully recovered soon. It seems like people think it's all over and just go out with it, spreading it.

  2. Glad covid hasn't hit you all too hard. I've been staying in and trying to do not a lot when at home because I can't deal with the heat. So I'm not sure how I'd have coped being ill on top of the heat.

  3. Sorry to hear you all had covid, it sounds like the strain is getting weaker with the majority of the population being vaccinated now. The heat can't have helped like you said, hope everyone has made a full recovery now

  4. Sorry to hear you have all been poorly and hope you are on the mend now. We have quite a bit of absence with it again as everyone has been socializing

  5. Sorry that you have been hit with covid but thank goodness it hasn't affected you too much. We've been testing as a summer cold has gone through all of us over the last fortnight! #project365

  6. Sorry that you’ve all had Covid but glad you haven’t been too ill with it. Thank goodness for paracetamol! Hope you are all feeling much better now. #project365
