Friday 19 August 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Better! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


The last time I used the word Better was the week after my dad tested positive for Covid way back in 2020. Here we are again a little over a week and a half since my family tested positive for Covid and we're all feeling better, mostly.

I got my first negative test yesterday, the last in my family to get it. Stu got his 4 days after being positive, Becky and Ellie 6 days and I had to wait 9 days for mine! Seeing just one line has made me feel so much happier, I thought it would never come.

The kids and Stu are feeling just about back to normal apart from feeling tired and I am still feeling snotty and have the only way I can explain it, a fuzzy head. I've realised if I move my head too quickly I feel dizzy. Dr Google says it's just a side effect from Covid. I am also feeling so tired too, exhausted from doing normal things. I think it's going to take some time to feel 100%.

Thankfully the latest heatwave seems to be over and we all feel so much better for it. We got to the point where we didn't know if Covid or the heat was making us feel rotten. I think it was a mixture of both. We got the rain on Tuesday night and it came down heavy, so much so there was a puddle in the bedroom because I forgot to shut the window. Oops. It has rained a bit since then and my garden is looking better for it. Phew!

Stu had a better birthday than we expected, not as good as I had planned because of us all not feeling 100% but he loved all of his presents, his takeaway and cake! We still have a meal out to have and are hopefully having that next week when we go and do some birthday shopping for the girls. I have got their main presents but still need a few extra bits.

I have told the girls that they better get thinking about what they want to do on their birthdays as I have no idea. Ellie's is on a bank holiday which limits what we can do as the buses are rubbish here using their Sunday service and Becky's is on a Saturday which is great especially since Stu has the day off work.

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the Week linky


  1. Really happy to hear that you are all recovering well from covid and that you survived the latest heatwave. I can't believe that I have managed to avoid getting covid but now that I have said that I have probably jinxed myself. Hope you have a great weekend Kim xx

  2. Onwards and upwards for you and the family after that Covid episode! Wishing that things go well for the girls' birthdays coming up. Love reading your posts!

  3. I'm so glad Covid has left you now. I'm glad Stu enjoyed his birthday and you still have his meal out to look forward to. I've only one birthday left now, aren't teens hard to buy for! xx

  4. So happy that you are feeling better now and that Stu still had a fab birthday. Having Covid and dealing with that heatwave must have been rubbish! xx

  5. I’m glad you’re all feeling better and hope the fuzzy head and tiredness ease off very soon. Glad Stu’s birthday was better than expected. Good luck with making plans for the girls’ birthdays. #WotW
