Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Talking about the weather!

It's always the case that when we're in a social situation and have nothing really to say, we talk about the weather. How hot or cold it is tends to be Brits go to topic, I know it's mine. The average Brit spends 45 hours a year, almost two whole days talking about the weather even though we know, deep down it's the dullest thing to talk about research has revealed.

wellington boots and rain

A couple of weeks ago I talked so much about the heat. How hot it was and how much I was sweating. Last week was about how cold it was compared to the week before, it almost felt like Autumn with the grey sky, wind and drop in temperature. I of course had a good moan to everyone who would listen. Nearly half of those we surveyed admitted they secretly enjoy having a good moan about the weather too.

There's always something to moan about when it comes to the weather. Some people like the cold weather, others love the hot weather, there is no pleasing everyone. I spend half of the year complaining that it's too cold and the other half complaining it's too hot. One Friday a few weeks ago was the perfect weather for me. Warm enough to go out in a t-shirt but cold enough so I didn't sweat. No coat was needed.

The weather always causes the biggest arguments here mainly with Ellie. She is a teenager so refuses to wear a coat even on the coldest and wettest days. She wants to go out with friends when it's raining and hates putting sun cream on when it's hot. Grr!

My biggest subject to talk about when it comes to the weather is whether I can get the washing out on the line. The week with the heatwave was the first time ever that I didn't hang it out because it was too hot! I just couldn't bring myself to go outside on the Tuesday when it hit 40C. In the winter I will complain about wet, damp days when I have to hang everything on clothes airers. The best day to get the washing out is breezy, warm day when the sun is shining. Thankfully our back garden gets the sun all afternoon so it is great for drying the washing.

Now that Stu works in Hull and has to go over the Humber Bridge to get to work I know when it gets to that time of the year when it's windy and we get storms there is going to be a lot of talk about wind! Will the bridge be closed to buses and when will it be open again? Eek!

Talking about the weather is the perfect small talk because it's something that everyone has an opinion on.

What is your perfect type of weather?


  1. Living in semi-tropical central Florida we have lots of warm days. My favorite time of year is late winter and early spring with days not too hot and not too cold. Cold fronts from up north in January make temperature go down at night. Most days in winter we may start out cold (to me not you) but end up with warm highs and lots of sun. Yeah I think we all love to talk about weather - it greatly impacts our lives.

  2. I like days that are sunny and breezy and not too hot.
