Saturday, 1 December 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 48 of #Project365

This past week has been a long one. It has really dragged. I am glad for the weekend to be here. We are planning on doing some baking and maybe building our gingerbread houses.

Now for a photo every day.

coins on a table and a reindeer macaron
my daughter in bed not wanting to get up and some biscuits she had made
2 big boxes, parcels for a neighbour and some cream on a wet floor
A box of 6 Black forest mince pies

328/365 - 24th November
Ellie said she was bored so she decided to count all the money in the change jar. She counted £15.

329/365 - 25th November
A reindeer macaron! It was from the Decorate Your Own reindeer macarons kit from Iceland. The girls had great fun with it.

330/365 - 26th November
A dark Monday morning. Ellie didn't want to get out of bed and said she felt poorly. I sent her to school thinking she would feel better. She got halfway there and was sick. I felt all the mam guilt.

331/365 - 27th November
Ellie made these biscuits at school. They were very tasty.

332/365 - 28th November
My good deed for the day was taking in some boxes for someone a couple of streets away. The Hermes man is sick of delivering to her and her not being in. Her neighbours are sick of taking in parcels for her so won't any more. She said she couldn't understand why the Hermes man dropped them off so far away and I told her why. She didn't seem too happy. Oops.

333/365 - 29th November
I had to take photos outside because it has been so dark inside this past week. Ugh!

334/365 - 30th November
I have heard of these Black forest mince pies but haven't been able to find any until yesterday. I got them from Morrisons.


  1. Hope Elie's better now. Not surprised the Hermes man wasn't impressed. Although why can't she organise a locked box or somewhere safe for things to be left. Must be a nightmare for people who don't have anywhere to leave it. Thankfully ours get left at the farm, if noone's in (which is rare there's noone around), they leave it under the car port.

  2. Decorated macaroon looks lovely! Hope Ellie feels better now. I don't mind taking parcels for neighbours, though I don't like when they don't bother to take them for days. I imagine that woman wasn't too happy, but then she should be more organised.
    Mince pies sound fab, alas, we don't have a Morrisons in town anymore; used to have a small one, but it's been closed for more than a year. And eek, Aquafor, I need to write about it, and have no inspiration whatsoever, I wish I didn't apply.

  3. yuk i dont like the sound of those mince pies, i had a normal one this evening and that was yuk also, but i'd happily tuck into the macaroons

  4. i hate taking in parcels for the woman across the road as she never comes across for them. he reindeers look fun to make. Poor Ellie. MInce pies should be mince flavoured ....

  5. I collect all my 1p,2p and 5p coins: it's great how they add up! #project365
