Saturday, 15 December 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 50 of #Project365

Just over two weeks until the end of the year and just over a week until Christmas! Eek! How did this year go so quickly?This past week has flown over too. I was feeling a bit panicky and overwhelmed at the start of it with the stresses of Christmas but I am over it now. I am a lot calmer and I feel organised! Phew!

Now for a photo every day!

342/365 - 8th December
We had a party tea. We didn't have a reason we just love party food.

343/365 - 9th December
I love a lazy Sunday. Finished it off with some blog reading and watching Dynasties.

344/365 - 10th December
Tea and toasted tea cakes. The best way to start a Monday.

345/365 - 11th December
The Christmas bauble which my youngest made at school.

346/365 - 12th December
Ellie dressed up for her school disco. She had a brilliant time.

347/365 - 13th December
My fella had to try his Christmas jumper on just to make sure it still fitted. He had to wear it to work yesterday.

348/365 - 14th December
My teen had a migraine so spent all morning in bed and came downstairs and spent most of the afternoon dozing on the sofa.


  1. Love the bauble and the Christmas jumper. Hope your girl is feeling better now.

  2. Migraines are no fun for anyone but even harder for kids, hope it clears soon for her.
    aaahhh the dreaded Christmas jumper day, glad his jumpper still fits.
    I find party food insipid and expensive so never tend to buy it.

  3. Oh, party food for dinner sounds great! Very pretty bauble. The Christmas jumper is cool. Hope your teen is feeling better now, migraines are a terrible ordeal.

  4. Oh dear i feel your daughters pain with the migraine, not pleasant at all, hope she's better now. Hubbies jumper is great

  5. That bauble is excellent, how did she make it? love the Christmas jumper #365

  6. I love the bauble. I had a go at making a bauble at Blog On in September but mine was rubbish compared to hers! #project365
