Thursday, 6 December 2018

The 12 Questions of Christmas Tag.

Over the years I have done various Christmas Tags. The Christmas TagWould You Rather - Christmas Addition and The Christmas Stocking tag came to mind so I thought of and found some Christmas themed questions which are different from the one's I've answered in the past.

When does your Christmas tree go up? Who will decorate it?
The tree went up on Sunday! We hadn't planned to put it up so soon but we had a good tidy and clear out and we needed to check it fitted where we had planned to put it. It didn't. Oops. We have found another place for it. Phew. My fella and the kids had the job of decorating it. I just kept out of the way.

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
As much as I like Christmas day I think I prefer Christmas eve. It is fantastic to see my girls getting all excited, we all get new pj's and we get a takeaway. On Christmas day I am always busy cooking, trying to tidy up and keep the kids toys all together.

What is your favourite Christmas advert this year?
I really like the McDonalds one. It is so cute.

Is there anywhere you would love to visit at Christmas?
I would love to visit London at Christmas. It always looks so magical. I would love to take the kids shopping in Hamleys shopping for toys.

What traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Making gingerbread houses. We make them every year and we always have so much fun. Doing some baking, wrapping the presents with a glass or two of Baileys and of course watching a lot of Christmas films.

What are some foods and treats you can count on having every Christmas?
Baileys, Bucks Fizz, Mince pies, fancy stuffing, prawn cocktail salad, Christmas pudding, turkey, After Eight Mints and of course Christmas cake.

When did you stop believing in Santa? 
I was about 11 years old and my mother just gave me money and made me buy and wrap my own presents. Hmmf. I think this is the reason I want my girls to believe in the magic of Christmas as long as possible.

As a kid, did a sibling or friend ever receive a present that you wished was for you?
My brother got this huge Transformers lorry and I always wanted it. It was so cool and all of my friends got a Mr Frosty which I wanted. Hmmf.

Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
I like giving gifts. I love choosing and wrapping the presents for people. I hate accepting gifts especially if I have to open it in front of the giver. Eek!

Are you guilty of peeking at your presents or do you like the surprise?
Yes! I always try to peek at what my fella has bought me. I hate surprises and I am just too nosy to wait.

If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be?
Home Alone...hehehe No just kidding. I think I would love to be in Elf. Meeting Buddy the elf would be just brilliant.

What would you like to find under your tree this year?
A new laptop.

Feel free to copy the questions and answer them yourself.


  1. I always wanted a Mr Frosty as well!

  2. Hehe, I had a Mr Frosty when I was little, your Christmas food & treats sound lush x
