Sunday, 9 December 2018

Little things like this are so big for her. #MySundayPhoto

Last Friday Ellie my youngest was diagnosed with Social anxiety, Friday just gone she was was announced the winner of the Christmas bauble decorating competition which they ran in lunch club at school! She collected her prize (the selection box) in front of a big group of people and had her photo taken for the school website. She was the centre of attention! Little things like this are so big for her. I am so proud of my girl.


  1. Social anxiety is a tough one. Well done Ellie for winning and standing up to take centre stage! #MySundayPhoto

  2. Well done Ellie hope you enjoyed the chocolate!

  3. Well done to Ellie! What an amazing achievement. I hope she can get some support now she has had a diagnosis. x

  4. Sounds like the past couple of weeks have been a rollecoaster. How wonderful your youngest won the competition and took tot he stage ot collect the prize though. #mysundayphoto

  5. Well done Ellie for winning & for stepping forward to be the centre of attention x

  6. Well done on winning and for getting up in front of people!! What an achievement.

  7. Well done to Ellie for both winning the competition and overcoming her social anxiety xx

  8. How brilliant, two achievements in one #mysundayphoto

  9. Hi Kim, sorry to hear about Ellies diagnosis, it's a tough one to overcome. Well done to her for standing up and claiming her prize. She's a girl after my own heart (will do anything for Cadbury's chocolate).



  10. Well done, that looks a good selection box too

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  11. Well done Ellie. I expect you're relieved the diagnosis came through. She's obviously managed it well to collect her prize.

  12. Well done Ellie! She is such a star! :) xx

  13. Face your fears and do it anyway. She rocks #MySundayPhoto

  14. Fair play to your girl as someone who also suffera with social anxieties I know what big deal these steps are. Takes a lot of courage X #mysundayphoto

  15. Go Ellie! As another battler of social anxiety, I understand the big steps she took in receiving this.
