Saturday, 8 December 2018

A photo every day for a year! Week 49 of #Project365

These weeks are going so quickly! Two weeks today and the kids will have just started their Christmas holidays! Eek! I still have so much to do to prepare for the big day but all the shopping is done and that was the biggest stress.

335/365 - 1st December
Time to open the advent calendars. The kids have the Reese's and Milkybar one's, mine is the Quality Street one and my fella has the Cadburys one.

336/365 - 2nd December
Ellie always seems to end up in the Christmas tree box when we are putting the tree up. lol

337/365 - 3rd December
This bag has served us so well. Becky used it for school for a couple of years, Ellie used it in primary school and now Ellie has started using it again. It always makes me chuckle when I see it.

338/365 - 4th December
One of the best things about December is chocolate every morning!

339/365 - 5th December
The kids decorated gingerbread Christmas trees.

340/365 - 6th December
Monkey got a new outfit.

341/365 - 7th December
Drying the clothes.


  1. Lol @ Ellie in a box, that's exactly what my Eddie loves to do with boxes. He'd be thrilled with that Minecraft backpack too. Haven't see the Reese's advent calendars, mine have Thorntons's and Poundland chocs (while I have a fancy Godiva). :)

  2. The box thing is what N would do too. We struggle with bags. For N's side, they're either too small to be useful or too big to carry.

  3. Lol my son loves to have his chocolate every morning before breakfast too. Great when a bag is well used isn’t it #365

  4. Very Christmassy pictures! I'm getting there gradually with it. I've very nearly finished the shopping and have probably half of the wrapping left to do, plus Christmas cards!

  5. you always have such fun activities with the kids, I've not seen a quality street advent calendar, they are my favourite. I forget everyone in the UK is hanging their washing up indoors in winter

  6. The bag has lasted well and the fad for the game is still going so not dated yet. My kids always ruined a bag before the end of a year at school
    Never to big to sit in a cardboard box.
    Our clothes horse goes in the spare bedroom.

  7. We do our advent calendars in the evening so we can all do them together. I think all kids love sitting in boxes! #project365
