Friday, 21 December 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Ready! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week has really seemed to drag but the kids break up from school at 12:45 today! Hooray! We are ready for the break from school. We have been struggling to get up on a morning. It being so dark is not helping and we're tired. The kids haven't been doing much at school this week. It's all been about watching films and colouring in.

We are also all ready for Christmas!!!

The presents have all been bought and wrapped. For the first time ever I won't be doing any last minute wrapping on Christmas eve! I am amazed at myself!

We went out on Wednesday and bought the last bits. For months my dad has always said he doesn't want anything for Christmas. His words have always been "don't waste your money on me" but he let slip that he wanted the Paul Heaton CD, the one with all The Housmartins and The Beautiful South songs on so I've got him that! He'll have at least one present he wants. hehehe

All of the Christmas food and drink is bought. I have stocked the freezer with party food and not much else. We have at least 3 meals out in the next week including Christmas dinner. I am so excited not to cook and have no washing up to do. I think the only thing I am going to miss is the leftovers. I am planning on cooking a big roast dinner over new year though so I will get my leftovers then!

I am still daily blogging over Christmas and have my posts all scheduled but I will be taking a break from commenting on other blogs from Monday for a few days. I'll still be about on social media but I am looking forward to taking a break and stepping back a bit to have some family time.

I am feeling pretty prepared for the big day, so much so that I have said to Ellie that we will do some Christmas baking this afternoon. Eek! I've had the Christmas baking kits from Tesco in the cupboard for a couple of weeks and I think it's about time they got done!

Are you ready for Christmas?

Merry Christmas! I hope you all have the best day.


  1. Wow you are ready. I have wrapped the majority of my presents and my house is finally all decorated plus I'm feeling Christmassy, but we have hardly any food in the house (And I mean any food not just Christmas food), I have work I want to get done, about 26 loads of laundry to do and a lot of putting things in the loft. I'm hoping I can have a productive weekend.

  2. You do sound prepared. It is difficult finding the perfect gift for fathers. I listen out all year to clues! Glad you found something he wants. I need to start wrapping. Hope you enjoy your festive baking today. After all, kits won't last to next year. Hope you have a good time. #wotw

  3. Yay! Well done on being ready, it sounds like you are going to have a fun Christmas x thanks for linking up to #WotW and Merry Christmas xx

  4. I love colouring but have been surprised at my eldest who prefers activities over it. Totally understand the desire not to wrap things on Christmas Eve I've learnt that's what preschool hours are for. #MMBC
