Wednesday, 7 July 2021

(Ad - Gifted) Box sets of books from Books2Door.

When it comes to reading books I think it is such a great idea to buy the box set of a series. There is nothing worse than reading one of the books and then not being able to get the next in the series. Ellie has been facing that problem. She has been reading the Harry Potter books and borrowed the first one from the school library and has struggled to find the 2nd one so when the chance came to try out some box sets from Books2Door I couldn't refuse especially when I saw what they had to offer.

Books from Books2Door

Books2Door have a fantastic collection of box sets of books for all ages and all abilities of reading. Everything from picture books for little one's to the Game of Thrones books for young adults.

I of course had to order the Harry Potter Complete Collection - 7 Book Set. Harry Potter is still so loved even though it was over 20 years since the first book was published. It still tops the list for books that budding young readers will absolutely love to receive.

Complete with all 7 titles from the award-winning J. K. Rowling we all know the story. If you haven't read the book you must have clips of one of the films at least.

Harry Potter Complete Collection - 7 Book Set

Harry Potter, an orphan surrounded by his extended family the Dursley’s and friends Hermione and Ron in a fictional suburban London town where he is invited to join Hogwarts School. It soon becomes apparent that Harry is not quite like the other children. Follow Harry as he embarks upon many wizardly adventures in an unforgettable, magical yet parallel world where Harry and his friends unravel a realm of mysteries, leaving young readers gripped from beginning to end!

Harry Potter Books

It is so wonderful to have the full set of the Harry Potter books and there is no difference between these books and the adult copies of the Harry Potter books. It turns out that adult readers felt uncomfortable reading Harry Potter while in public so it was a marketing decision to make different book covers, one for kids and one for adults. There is no difference in the text or story in either versions. The box that the books come in is gorgeous and I can't wait to re-read them after the girls have finished with them. The Harry Potter Complete Collection costs £30.99 and I think they are well worth that price. They are something to keep and treasure

The 2nd set of books we received were the Horrible Histories Blood Curdling 20 Books Collection aimed at readers aged 7 and above.

Horrible Histories Blood Curdling 20 Books Collection
Horrible Histories book tops

Oozing with dreadful jokes, awful anecdotes and frightening facts that are sure to both delight and disgust young readers aged 7 and above. A treat for fans of the BAFTA award-winning Horrible Histories TV show, this collection of Horrible Histories is delightfully dreadful and hilariously illustrated and will keep kids who love their history a little bit gory entertained for hours and hours.

Titles included in this box set include: Horrible Histories, Savage Stone Age, Awesome Egyptians, Groovy Greeks, Rotten Romans, Cut-Throat Celts, Smashing Saxons, Vicious Vikings, Stormin Normans, Angry Aztecs, Incredible Incas, Measly Middle Age, Terrible Tudors, Slimy Stuarts, Gorgeous Georgians, Vile Victorians, Villainous Victorians, Barmy British Empire, Frightful First World War, Woeful Second World War and Blitzed Brits.

Horrible History Books

My girls have always been fans of the TV show horrible histories and the books, Ellie especially. This may seem like a crazy idea but Ellie is starting her GCSE's in September and a lot of these books cover the topics she will be studying. History wasn't her first choice so any information she can have I want her to have. I know she loves these books as she has read a couple in the past so even if snippets of facts from them sink in to her brain it could help her in her studies. This set costs £29.95.

I am very happy with the service from Books2Door. I ordered the books using their website which was simple to use and delivery only took just a couple of days. It is a fantastic website to buy books.

I was sent these box sets of books free of charge in exchange for this blog post.


  1. I have never read a Harry Potter book and neither have my kids! We have watched at least a couple of the films. As for Horrible Histories, we have some big fans here and Star had a whole selection of the books bought for her by her home tutor when she was off school. She still watches horrible histories now, and can recite a lot of them word for word. xx

  2. I love a good boxed set and those are two of our favorite books series!
