Thursday, 1 July 2021

What I loved in June 2021.

Another month has gone and flown over. In May I was worrying about my Aunty Jean and in June she sadly passed away. It wasn't something I loved but it was nice to think about all the nice memories that I have of her and good to know she is no longer in pain.

This is what I loved in June!

Euro 2020.
It's only a year late and I have been enjoying watching all of the matches. It was a bit of an anti climax when England got through to final 16 before they had even played their last group match but we got through and then went and beat Germany. I think I am still in shock! 

The matches on Monday evening were amazing and my girls who had no interested in football a few weeks ago were hanging on every kick. The support for the Denmark team has been something else since Christian Eriksen collapsed on the pitch. I am so glad he is OK now.

Being fully vaccinated.
I had my 2nd vaccine in June and to be honest I was dreading it after feeling pretty rubbish for a couple of days after my first but to be honest it wasn't that bad. I felt the tiniest bit achy and tired but I don't know if that was the stress of finding out about my aunty jean, the neighbours doing DIY at half 7 in the morning the day of my vaccine or just worrying about the side effects. I had my vaccine lunchtime Saturday and felt fine by Sunday evening.

The New Season of Fortnite.
I didn't love the last season before the update but now there are aliens and things have been simplified. There is no more running around looking for car parts or bits of meat to upgrade weapons. I just like to go in, shoot and hopefully win and I have been. I won a game on the first day of the new season then a couple of weeks later and then I've won about 8 since.

My new phone!

I got a Samsung A12 which I wrote about in my blog post yesterday. It is amazing compared to my old phone and I feel stupid for waiting so long to get a new one. It took a while to get my number transferred to a smaller sim card as O2 seemed to just ignore the phone call I had with them asking for one. Ugh. I got one from the an O2 shop and spoke to a lovely man on the phone and it was sorted in no time.

Getting a new phone meant that I got a new camera too and I have enjoyed taking photos with it so much. It has made me fall back in love with Instagram, not just posting photos but liking other people's photos too. You can follow me over there, I am kimmer2111.

My garden.
It has really came to life now. The wildflowers are filling the flower bed and every day I seem to go out there and see a new one has appeared. My tomatoes are growing which is amazing as when I put the plant outside it didn't seem to be doing well at all. My strawberry plants which I had just about given up on have started growing again and I think my carrots are doing well too. 

Wild flowers

Warmer weather.
I don't like it when it's roasting hot but I do like the warm weather. It is nice to sit in the garden and get some vitamin D and I have been doing plenty of that. Life seems better and easier when the sun is shining. Even the girls have been enjoying being outside. The swingball set is back out and Ellie has been playing out with her friends more which makes her so happy. It's good for her to have a bit of freedom after being stuck at home for so long.

Spending time with Ellie.
Becky and her girlfriend have been spending one weekend here and a weekend at her girlfriends house which means I have been getting to spend some one on one time with Ellie. It has been lovely. I obviously spend time with both of my girls but it is nice to have that one on one time with no distractions. We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, just enjoying nice food, watching films and playing computer games.

What did you love in June?


  1. Sorry to hear about your Aunty Jean. I love all the wild flowers in my garden, my in laws keep calling them weeds, but as long as the flowers are pretty I refuse to call them weeds!

  2. I have been loving the warmer weather too!

  3. Yay to being fully vaccinated, I feel more positive now I've had both of mine.
    Sending big hugs for the loss of your Aunty Jean, I'm sure you have plenty of lovely memories to cherish.
    It's nice that you got to spend some time with Ellie and enjoy some gaming. We were playing Fortnite last night, such a laugh.
    I love your wild garden, it's so pretty and happy new phone! It looks very snazzy. x
