Friday, 16 July 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Support! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


We have got to the point now where we're counting down the days to the summer holidays and the break from school. Only 5 more school days to go! Covid cases are rising here and it's making me feel anxious especially with most of the restrictions being dropped on Monday. Every time I get a message from the school I think the worst.

I got a phone call from the hearing support worker who checks on Ellie at school. Ellie is deaf in one ear, has some great support from the special education needs people and they make sure all of her teachers know about her hearing loss and that she is getting the right help in school. The woman was just checking in to say she'd seen Ellie at school and she seems to be doing well. She was also asking how she coped with people wearing masks? Ellie doesn't rely on lipreading but it does help her. I said she managed but school did seem to be more tiring for her. I am guessing it was the fact she had to concentrate more on what people were saying.

Ellie return to school has gone well. All the kids are wearing their masks when moving between lessons and they are back to having lateral flow tests in school. There was a bit of drama about the lateral flow tests being done in school when a small number of parents said that requiring tests before letting the children mix with others was an infringement of their rights. The school stuck to their guns and said if a child isn't tested they will be kept away from other children or don't bother sending them in. I think that is the right decision and I am supporting the school. I certainly don't want Ellie mixing with others who could have Covid and have no idea about it. I do have a feeling that some parents are keeping their kids off school because they have a holiday booked and they don't want that disrupted with having to isolate.

The GCSE options for Ellie have been finalised. She chose History, Business Studies and Engineering but the teachers thought she will struggle with history, I think they are right so she had to have a change around. She dropped history and took Geography but because of the timetable and the blocks that the subjects were in meant business studies would have to be dropped and she would have to choose a different subject. She went for photography. I think the school encouraged it as it's an easier subject than the others that were in that block. 

It was amazing to see the whole country come together to support the England team on Sunday in the football. We lost but they did so well to even get to the final. It's was a sad shame to see all the hooligans at Wembley and the racism that followed. If we had won those horrible people would have been calling Jadon Sancho, Bukayo Saka, Marcus Rashford heroes! They are heroes in my eyes! Now we have to wait until next year for the World Cup which starts on my birthday. What a treat. hehehe

We are having a day out tomorrow, shopping in Hull. I am on a mission to find more of the bralettes that I bought a while ago in Primark. I always thought I needed the support of an underwired bra but they are so uncomfortable so thought I'd buy a pack of 3 bralettes to give them a go and I love them. I haven't worn a proper bra in weeks. I need more though, I have a feeling if I keep washing the 3 that I have they'll drop to bits. lol

I hope you have all had a good week?


  1. underwired bras are a curse, lol! I'm glad Ellie is getting support at school, and I'm with you on the testing. Thankfully, the case in the Little Man's class had already been isolating for a couple of days because of a positive test in his family. But because he tested positive too on a PCR test then the whole class has to isolate for 10 days. The Little Man is the one who will work at home, but the teacher is doing fun stuff. I think they really need to get their acts together before September. You can't let kids with Covid mix with others, but then you can't keep having the whole year sent home because of one person they may not have had contact with. The Little Man's school works in tight bubbles, so only the kids who have had contact with the positive child go home, but it's not so easy in Secondary schools. (p.s. it's the LM's best friend who has Covid.) xx

  2. Great week summary! I hope Ellie continues to get the support she needs in her GCSE years. Happy shopping and enjoy the sunshiny weather. Stay safe too.

  3. I recently ditched the underwire bras too and also only have 3 of what I'm dubbing my comfy bras. I just keep wearing them on repeat!

  4. It's good that the hearing support worker checked up on Ellie and contacted you too. The masks must make it difficult. Some people are really difficult to understand when they're wearing masks, so I can't imagine how she is managing. I agree with your school about the lateral testing. What about the civil rights of those who want to go to school and not catch Covid?

    I hope Ellie is happy with her new choices. She certainly seems to enjoy her creative projects and has a good eye for it, so photography could be playing to her strength.

    I've never worn an underwire bra. Put off as a child, by a German exchange student's wire getting trapped in our washing machine. I can still picture the engineer holding it up. Hope you find your bralettes.

  5. Well done to Ellie with coping with the mask and having to pay more attention to people, she must be exhausted every day. We enjoyed the football, yes shame about the thugs. Bralettes sound good, I have some sports bras I love wearing at home, but they don't give me much shape

  6. Bralettes sound like a great idea. I haven't worn an underwired bra in over ten years due to either being pregnant or breastfeeding and I have no intention of ever going back to wearing them. Ellie's GCSE choices sound good. It's always a little frustrating when you change subjects and it means having to change something else because of the blocks. I'm with you on the school's stance about lateral testing. The reaction of some people after the Euro final was awful. I was sad we lost but if someone had said at the start of the Euros that we'd be runners-up, we'd have have been thrilled at that, so I think we did incredibly well. Just a shame it always seems to end that way when it goes to penalties for us. #WotW

  7. I haven't heard of bralettes. If I actually get a chance to make it into town I will have to pop into Primark. I'm so glad Ellie gets the support she needs at school. I'm sure you had to fight for it at some point as I know these things don't come easily. I think the school did the correct thing. We test every weekend and now Ethan has to test at school. I know it makes us feel better #WotW
