Saturday, 24 July 2021

Week 29 of #Project365. 17th - 23rd July. A photo every day for a year!

It has been a scorcher of a week and I have felt like I was melting most days. The weather turned yesterday and it was grey, cloudy and damp. It was still warm though. We made it to the end of term without any more self isolating and Ellie had a great last day at school. They had lessons on the morning and then lunchtime until it was time to go home at 2pm.

We don't have much planned for the weekend or next week. I am fancying going to our local auction today as there are a few things I am interested in. There's a gorgeous desk and chair which I would love but I have nowhere to put it. Even if Stu got rid of his desk it would still be too big. I want to see how much it goes for.

Now for a photo every day!

A trip to Costa and a white moth
Harry Potter bedding
Japanese candy and a school report
The farmer cutting his field
Little Moons ice cream

198/365 - 17th July
We had a shopping trip to Hull and it was red hot so we made sure we were drinking plenty. It was a good excuse to go into Costa and get some strawberry lemonade, Stu had a mixed berry drink. We ended up having 2 each. It did the trick of cooling us down.

199/365 - 18th July
I spotted a white moth in the garden. I've never seen one like this before.

200/365 - 19th July
New bedding. For years I have wanted Harry Potter bedding but any I've seen Stu hasn't been a fan of but I finally found this one that he likes. It's not too much in your face with Harry Potter. I got it from Primark on Saturday.

201/365 - 20th July
Another one of Ellie's birthday presents arrived. A box of Japanese candy and snacks. She loves everything Japanese and asked for more, she got some last year for her birthday too. 

202/365 - 21st July
The end of the school year means report time. I used to dread these for Ellie but now she is doing me proud. She did so well in all of the tests throughout the year and I can see the improvement. She is where she needs to be or is better in every subject apart from History. It makes me so glad she didn't pick it for her GCSE's. Her strongest subject surprised me, maths. I thought she was struggling but in the tests she's been getting over 70% which is amazing!

203/365 - 22nd July
The farmer came to cut his field and we sat and watched him. It is fascinating. I have seen the tractors driving past our house all week. Going off with empty trailers and coming back with bales of hay or straw. I do love this time of year.

204/365 - 23rd July
We finally got some Little Moons ice cream things. The kids have been asking for them for ages, I think they were a big thing on TikTok or YouTube. Tesco have sold them for months but have always been out of stock. I spotted them in Morrisons so had to get some. It was just the one box, at £4.50 for 6 small balls they're expensive but they are actually worth it. The coconut one's are amazing!

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  1. I love those sheets! Yay for a good report card and yummy treats.

  2. I heard of little moons a couple of weeks ago and they sound really nice. But yikes to the price (plus too much sugar in for me to have on my diet). Well done Ellie for her end of year report.

  3. Your sheets are great fun and the little ice creams sound good too. #MMGC

  4. Well done to Ellie and her report and so glad that school is done for a while now. #365

  5. Lovely photo of the plume moth - they're such pretty ones. A big well done to Ellie on her school report. The Little Moons ice-cream sounds yummy - glad they were worth the price! #project365

  6. Loving the new bedding and well done on the good report!

    Oh not heard of those moon things....will have to look out for them.

  7. Well done Ellie on the report that is brilliant. I have never seen a white moth. I have not heard of Little Moons ice cream although to be honest I am not on tik tok so that could be why. Love the HP bedding.

  8. Well done to Ellie on her report! I'm glad the hot weather has gone but will look for the little moons as I am gluten free and they have vegan options. #project365

  9. The little moons made me chuckle, all through lockdown we had teen girls coming in, in search of them - we called them Little Mooners.......I still haven't tried them, theyre so expensive for what they are
