Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Some random thoughts that I've had lately.

I have a lot of random thoughts that don't fit into other blog posts so thought I would share. This might become a regular thing, I will write them down as they come up instead of trying to think of them off the top of my head.

Question marks

The government are idiots. I could probably write a whole blog post about things they have done that has wound me up but I don't have the patience and what is the point when most people already think the same.

Every time I have a bad whack of hay fever I convince myself that I have Covid. I know I don't, it's just hay fever but I stress myself out and take a lateral flow test just to be sure and obviously after I've worked myself into a state, took the test my symptoms disappear. It is just hay fever.

I have been rewatching The Walking Dead and there is so much I forgot about. Look at the flowers Lizzie, Carl's eye, how much Carol has changed and the little boy Sam from Alexandria was so annoying! It also reminded me that Rick's group did start all the drama with Negan so technically he wasn't the only bad guy. Rick's group killed way more Saviours than Negan killed of Rick's group.

I have too many ornaments and nicknacks in the living room. On the windowsill and fireplace. I love all of them so don't want to pack them away but it does look so cluttered in here. I can't help myself but keep buying more too. The kids always say not another one. lol

It surprised me how many people kept their kids off for the last week of school just so they could go on holiday in the first week of the summer holidays. I am guessing they wanted to make sure their kids didn't get told to isolate. Someone I know personally has done this. Grr!

Family friendly YouTubers should not be writing erotic stories and sharing them on their Instagram. My girls used to watch this Irish vlogging family but thankfully stopped a couple of years ago.

I want to get fit. I have piled on the weight over the last year and need to do something about it. I have been using the Leg Master but I need to do more. I bought myself a cross trainer from the local auction over the weekend so we'll see how that goes. I think cutting out more of the snacks and eating a bit better will help too.

I hate that I have been brought up as a woman and it has been taught to me body hair is ugly and not natural. I am only complaining about this because I have been wearing shorts and it's such a chore to shave my legs every couple of days.

I don't want to admit it but I learn so much useless information from TikTok. In the last week I have learned that Penguin biscuits are just Bourbon biscuits dipped in chocolate. How did I not know that? I learned how to multiply anything by 11, One Directions What Makes You Beautiful & Grease's Summer nights have the same intro and that KFC follow just 11 people on Twitter. The Spice girls and 6 people called Herb. 11 Herbs and spices - the secret recipe for KFC chicken. lol

People who we know get really upset when we bid against them at the local auction. It should be everyone for themselves but it seems it's not. If I want to buy something I am not going to stop bidding just because someone I know is.

I hate the heat that we've been having but today when writing this it is overcast, damp and quite cooler than it has been. I want the heat back or at least the sunshine. I have photos that I need to take for a blog post and in this light it is impossible.

I always forget how many countries take part in the Olympics until I watch the opening ceremony and see them all coming out with their flags and this time there isn't as much coverage on the BBC. It all seems to be on paid subscription services. Hmmf. 

What random thoughts have you had lately?


  1. Well that is two things I have learnt today. I don't normally eat Bourbon biscuits but I might save some money and just buy a pack and then dip them in chocolate. I also had to check out the intro's. I am so glad I don't have Tiktok otherwise I will just spend all day learning all this useless information haha.

  2. We're having the same problem watching the Olympics here; only a few highlight reels and things are available free and I just refuse to pay for streaming for a couple of weeks of sports. I debated taking my son out of school the last week for our vacation (we only had school Mon & Tues that week) but I remember those last few days of school being SO much fun after a year of hard work and didn't want to deny him that social/ fun time.

  3. I love tiktok learn so much haha yiu a. Wondering who this Irish family bloggers, I don't really watch vloggers tent to watch true crime stuff on your yiu YouTube x #mmbc

  4. What a lot of random thoughts. I do this too. I start off with a random idea but it doesn't develop into a whole post. I don't have tiktok, but I'm started to get tempted with some things I've heard. I just don't need another distraction. I did think about keeping my kids off school because of our holiday but it worked out to be 10 days after the last day of school so no problem...but then the Little Man had to isolate anyway! His isolation is over now but he was supposed to have gone to a summer school at his new school. He couldn't go for two days because of his isolation, and then he would have missed a day anyway because of the holiday, so I decided not to send him for the other three days just in case he ended up isolating again. He'll have a few days induction in September anyway. xx
