Saturday, 3 July 2021

Week 26 of #Project365. 26th June - 2nd July. A photo every day for a year!

What a week. I felt most of it feeling grotty and unmotivated to take any photos but I did force myself to take one a day and I am glad I did. It's all good and well taking photos of the best moments of the week but some of the normal, not so great moments are good to be remembered too.

Now for a photo every day!

My youngest sat in Costa and a Covid test.
Washing on the line
A hot water bottle and yellow and red flower
Flowers in my garden and some books.

177/365 - 26th June
We went into town and stopped in Costa for a drink. The strawberry lemonade is amazing. Ellie had a mint chocolate chip frostino. She was not impressed, it was too minty. I thought it tasted amazing. She was very glad to have a sit down and take her mask off, she was coming down with a cold.

178/365 - 27th June
We're still doing the lateral flow tests twice a week and I was worried about this one with Ellie having a cold. I said to her if her cold wasn't better she would be getting a PCR test but by Monday morning she was on the mend.

179/365 - 28th June
Washing on the line. I did have to run out and save it from the rain. It absolutely chucked it down.

180/365 - 29th June
Hedwig the hot water bottle was out and I was so glad it was a chilly day. Period cramps kicked my butt and I ended up going to bed for a 3 hour nap. 

181/365 - 30th June
A pretty flower.

182/365 - 1st July
I went out into the garden and was amazed by all the bees that I saw there was at least 10 in the flower bed and another 20 on the grass buzzing about.

183/365 - 2nd July
We have been sent some books to have a look at. I imagine the girls and I will be fighting over the Harry Potter one's. lol I've read them all but have never owned them all. I am going to re-read them, Becky is going to read the last 2 that she hasn't read and Ellie is going to read all of them apart from the first one.

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  1. Oh no, I think everybody's coming down with coughs and colds at the moment. We're on our second bout in the past month with only a week in between. We all need to build up our immune systems again. The books sound good though :)

  2. N's had the sniffles again too. I do love a Costa - N is a strawberry frostino but I'm a mint choc fan. I didn't realise the strawberry lemonades were back. Last 2 years here they didn't do them, and this year it looked like it was a raspberry one coming new. I do like the strawberry one the best

  3. Aww, it's so annoying when it starts raining and clothes are on the line outside. And if the clothes are nearly dry that's even more annoying.
    We have lots of bees in the garden too, it's wonderful to see them buzzing around.

  4. Love the pretty flower. Glad the pcr test wasn't needed! Hope you have a better and certainly a less wet week!x

  5. Receiving books is a wonderful adventure. In my family my sister, sister-in-law and I have swapped and shared books for decades. One job I had years ago, I would be given a bag or 2 of books every few months that someone had read. I'd take them to my sister's home and we'd all dive in looking for treasures. #MMBC

  6. Glad that Ellie didn't need to have a PCR test and hope that you are all feeling much better now. Those books look good. Lovely to have washing on the line but it is a bit of a scramble trying to get it in when it rains, isn't it?! #project365

  7. We've all had colds for a fortnight and it is still a relief when the lateral flow is negative. Wish this cough would leave us all! Hope you are all feeling better soon #project365

  8. The books look fab as do your nasturtiums, mine are nowhere near flowering this year. #365

  9. Ohh the mint choc chip frostino sounds good! I love mint. Glad that it was just a cold and a PCR test wasn't needed. The books look good!

  10. I love that Hedwig hot water bottle, where is it from. I could do with a costa, not had one for ages. Glad to hear everyone is feeling better now

  11. Sorry you were feeling rough, sounds like the nap was needed. I really love the hot water bottle will have to look for one of those. We are trying to get ours to read more. Charlie has read the first three Harry Potter books but has now moved onto David Williams for a bit. Hope you all enjoy them

  12. I need a Hedwig hot water bottle in my life! Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly. Glad all the test were fine though. I still have the Harry Potter books I brought when I was 20. The first was a set of four and then I added to the collection as they came out. I'm hopping Little E will want to read them one day #365
