Saturday, 31 July 2021

Week 30 of #Project365. 24th - 30th July. A photo every day for a year!

We have had a nice easy week. It has been quite chilled and quite lovely. We really haven't done much apart from play Minecraft, the Sims and Fortnite. 

We were supposed to be going to town yesterday to get some of Ellie's school uniform but the rain put us off. It was lashing down all morning the sun cam out at midday and lasted about half an hour before it rained again. We are now planning to go on Monday, depending on the weather of course.

Now for a photo every day!

Cross trainer and Stu putting a bird feeder together
Hay bales
Home grown tomatoes
A frog hat and my eldest
The flowers in the garden wrecked by the rain

205/365 - 24th July
I didn't get what I had planned to buy from our local auction but did buy a cross trainer for £15. I have been on it 4 times over the past week and I would like to say I am feeling fitter but at the moment I'm just aching so it must be doing something.

206/365 - 25th July
Stu put together the bird feeder that we were sent to review. The birds are loving it, there must have been about 20 in the back garden yesterday at one point.

207/365 - 26th July
The farmers were busy again and came and baled their hay. I missed them and just saw the bales in the field. I'm glad I took the photo because a couple of hours later they were all gone and the field was empty.

208/365 - 27th July
I picked some of the tomatoes which I have grown. I am becoming quite an expert at growing them from a seed. This is the 2nd year running I've managed it. They taste amazing!

209/365 - 28th July
Ellie's new hat! She has seen people with it on YouTube and TikTok and had to have one. It has been put away for her birthday.

210/365 - 29th July
We went for a wander yesterday and ended up going to see my dad. We stopped to take some photos on the way.

211/365 - 30th July
The wind and rain have wrecked my flowers and have blown them all down. Hmmf.

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  1. The weather's been awful hasn't it. I really want to get to an auction, but I just never get round to it. Probably better to avoid me not spending money. Those tomatoes look really nice. I've only grown some one year, but they taste so much better when homegrown.

  2. There is nothing quite like freshly grown tomatoes! Yum. That birdfeeder looks fabulous too.

  3. I grew tomatoes for several years and just love the fresh from the bush taste. I am even more impressed that you started them from seeds. #MMBC

  4. Wow, the tomatoes look so good. I have planted some tomato seeds and I have some lovely flowers, but no fruits at the moment.
    Lovely to see that you got such a bargain for that cross trainer and that you've used it so many times so far. Well done!!

  5. That cross-trainer sounds like it was a good buy. Lovely to have home-grown tomatoes. We didn’t have much luck with ours last year and haven’t tried again. Love Ellie’s new hat. #project365

  6. like the look of that bird feeder, we want to get another one for the garden - are they expensive? Nice to have the fields as a backdrop but always makes me a little sad to see that the harvest is in, autumn is on its way. #365

  7. I am loving the hat and you got a massive bargain with the cross trainer. I would love one, but have nowhere to out it

  8. The summer weather has been very odd with blazing sun then lashing rain! Once the aching subsides, I hope you feel fitter and build up your time on the cross trainer. #project365

  9. I love that hat, I'm sure my two would love to wear one. I love your cross trainer bargain. I hope you are still using it. What a great bird feeder. I want to get one if we ever move and get a bigger garden #365
