Friday 23 July 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Melting! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I love the sunshine but what I am not too keen on is the heat and the fact there has been no air! Well of course there has been air but it's just been hot and there has been no breeze at all. Where we live we usually get a good breeze in the back garden, off the farmers fields which comes in through the back door and right through the house. It's been non-existent. Ugh!

Most days over the past week I have felt like I am melting. Having leather sofas and wearing shorts hasn't helped either because as well as feeling like I melting I am sticking. lol

On Saturday we went shopping in Hull. I was dreading the heat but it wasn't actually that bad. The bus had all of the windows open and we sat at the back so got the full effect and the shops all had air conditioning. We all went. Stu, myself, the girls and Becky's girlfriend "A". Those two went off to do their own shopping. When we met back up "A" had bought shorts and a light coloured t-shirt because she was melting in her black jeans. She had got changed in some toilets. lol It was a lovely day out and we finished Ellie's birthday shopping.

I missed a parcel being delivered on Saturday while we were out and had a feeling it was the Japanese candy hamper that I had ordered for Ellie's birthday. I did worry how it had fared in the heat over the weekend. It was delivered on Tuesday and thankfully it all survived without melting. There was a few things which looked a bit sticky and out of shape but I don't think Ellie will notice.

Japanese candy

Obviously the hottest week of the year was the one I forgot to buy ice lollies. I have had to pay stupid prices for one's at the local shops. They only have the proper Cornetto's, Calippo's and Fab ice creams and lollies not the cheaper, imitation one's. This week I have already done the shopping order and I have made sure to stock up. hehehe

Apparently lots of people had a storm and rain during the week. The little thing on my computer said it was raining here but it wasn't. The sky was still blue and there wasn't a single cloud. I was fuming. I am not a fan of storms but wanted one just to clear the air and give my garden a good water.

I don't function well in the heat. I just want to stay inside, which is probably quite sensible and move as little as possible. It has been fine this week, I haven't had much to do apart from the usual housework. I think next week will be different because Ellie will finally have started her summer holidays and will want to do stuff. She has plans and they involve taking me on walks. Eek! 

It's Ellie's last day of school today and she's happy that it's a non-uniform day so she can wear shorts and a t-shirt. The school have also organised an ice cream van to come into the playground at lunch time. I don't need to guess what Ellie will be having for lunch. hehehe

Word of the week linky


  1. It looks like it is going to cool down slightly next week if you decide to go out. I don't have ice cream and lollies in my freezer normally and I had to buy some for the kids as well. I try to stay inside during the heat as well and have resorted to using fans to keep cool. Enjoy your week.

  2. Phew it has been hot! I'm not a big fan, and I'm certainly not a fan of all the midges the heat has brought, I've never been bitten so many times before. I'm glad you had a nice day out and I hope Ellie has a great last day at school. xx

  3. What a fun last day of school! We have had so much rain that I was thankful to see the sun this week and that most of the storms that we were supposed to get pass us by.

  4. It has been quite still. I love the idea that the wind blows off the field and through your house in the normal way. We almost ran out of ice lollies. We were down to the last box that no-one likes as they were substitutes from an online shop. They managed to force themselves to eat some! I can imagine the shops were nice and cool. Probably a good time to shop too. Ellie's last day sounds fun. Roll on the school holidays. #wotw

  5. Thankfully the temperature is getting better from this weekend, so they say. This week Leisa was saying we should move as little as possible. She said even to avoid laughing too hard! That's not possible when we are together, lol.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead.

  6. Melting is a very good word for the week with the heat we have had! It’s not pleasant when it’s as hot as it has been. That Japanese candy hamper looks great. Glad it survived the heat! Having an ice-cream van in the playground at lunchtime sounds lovely as an end-of-term treat. #WotW

  7. Oh god it was uncomfortable wasn't it?! I like the warm sunny days, but not when there is no air. I even bought dog cooling mats and put them under our bed sheets! Haha.
    Thankfully it has cooled down a little now. Phew!
    I hope Ellie had a lovely last day at school. x

  8. Looks like you had fun shopping in Hull. I'm so happy the candy hamper survived the heat too. #WotW

  9. It is terrible when there is no air. We were promised storms too and didn't get them. The Japanese candy looks fun and interesting. It sounds like you had a productive shopping trip #WotW
