Friday 6 August 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Spending! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Every year we always have a week in August where we seem to spend a small fortune. It's expected with 3 birthdays coming up. Stu's and Ellie's this month and then Becky's at the beginning of September. This past week has been all about spending.

We were supposed to go into town this time last week to get Ellie's blazer, PE top and ties from the uniform shop but the weather was terrible. It chucked it down nearly all day. I didn't fancy going out and getting soaked so we stayed home in our PJ's.

I took the chance and ordered Ellie's school trousers from Asda. I bought boy's one's because they only go up to 13 year olds in girls. Hmmf. They arrived on Saturday along with the white school shirts. The shirts fitted perfectly but the trousers were no good. They fitted everywhere apart from around her waist. Ugh. I ordered more in the next size up and I am glad to say they fit perfectly. Phew! 

I ordered Stu's birthday present. Up until last year we had one of those George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine's and it was mainly Stu who used it but it broke, we'd had it years and we never bothered getting a new one as we had a decent grill on the oven but he has been on about getting another so I thought it was the perfect gift for him. He is so hard to buy for and I was really stuck what to get him. I've also got him some t-shirts, a jacket and phone case.

On Monday we went into town to return the school trousers which were too small and to buy Ellie's stuff from the uniform shop. We went in and asked for what we wanted and the man was fab. He had Ellie try on a couple of blazers but we said we wanted one with room to grow into, he understood but said he was out of stock of the next size up. Ugh! We said we would come back another day but said if we were in town for a while he would nip out and pick up new stock which was so good of him. He didn't have to, he could have made us come back another day.

Ellie had such a giggle seeing a couple of new starters to her school, the new year 7's. They were buying blazers and ties too and their parents were buying bigger than what was needed. They looked drowned in their blazer just like Ellie. lol

We got Ellie's pens and pencils too. All we need now is a pencil case, a PE top from the uniform shop which the man couldn't get, school shoes and trainers for PE which we will get later this month. I am not making the mistake and buying school shoes early like I did a few years ago. Ellie had grown out of them by September.

I haven't just been spending on Stu and Ellie, Becky has had plenty of money spent on her too. The email came about the bus to college and it's that time of the year to renew her bus pass. It seemed a lot of money to pay out in one go but the bus pass to get Becky to college is worth it especially when she can use it on any week day to get into town too.

Becky is planning on going on holiday with her girlfriend next year, well depending on what's happening with Covid so she needs a passport. We have said we will pay for it and it will be part of her birthday present. Passports are so ruddy expensive. I had no idea as I have never had one and I don't think I will be rushing to get one. Eek!

As well as spending money I have been spending a lot of time with the girls over the past week. We've not been up to much but at the same time they have kept me busy. I am quite tempted to say I will be glad when they go back to school and college so I can have a rest. They've had me out on the bikes, for walks, playing computer and board games and watching films. It has been lovely.

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the week linky


  1. School uniform is so expensive, as are bus passes and passports. I am not buying the Little man's uniform just yet as I'm still waiting for a growth spurt.

  2. Oh yes, passports are really expensive! Thankfully here in the Netherlands they only need renewal once every ten years now, so that's good. I first needed a passport when I was fourteen because I was going to Russia, so outside of the EU. I have had a passport ever since even though I haven't traveled to countries where one was needed since, because I'd think I'd not be able to find an ID among all the other things in my wallet. #WotW

  3. your porridge with fruit looks delicious #MMBC
