Sunday, 17 April 2022

Hidden veg! #MySundaySnapshot

A few weeks ago Stu was messing about in the garden and found the carrots that I had planted last year. I had forgotten all about them and just thought they hadn't grown.


Then on Monday when I was digging the garden I spotted some weeds which didn't look like the usual weeds and it turns out they weren't, they were parsnips. hahaha Not the biggest or the greatest one's but at least I know that I can grow vegetables now but I think I will stick to one's that I can grow above the ground so I don't forget about them or lose them in future.


My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. wow! That's a hidden treasure you have found. I am sure you had an amazing experience when you harvested these veggies.

  2. That's so funny; I would be the same way with root veggies and completely forget about them entirely. At least they were low maintenance!

  3. you got a free present of parsnips! Happy Easter!

  4. Awesome free veg x #mysundaysnapshot

  5. Hidden treasures!! :D I use white flags now a days so I don't forget what I have planted earlier in the year, or to make sure I don't pull out saplings thinking they are weeds :D


  6. What a lovely find! I would totally lose them too. Definitely a good idea to stick to things which grow above the ground in future.

  7. Oooo hidden treasure! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
