Sunday, 3 April 2022

I want the sunshine back. #MySundaySnapshot

Last weeks photo was a lovely spring photo and this weeks seems like it should have been taken in the middle of winter. We have had some snow, not enough to settle on the ground but on Thursday we woke to it on the roofs and a tiny bit on the grass. It snowed off and on all day but inbetween the flurries of snow the sun did come out to melt it. It was bitterly cold and still is which isn't great with the cost of gas & electricity going up. I am hoping the sunshine and warmth comes back soon just to save us a bit of money on the heating. 

Snow on the roof

My Sunday snapshot linky


  1. Wow! That's very exciting for me to see! But as it's rained for weeks here, I get your vibe!

  2. Mother Nature doesn't always cooprate when we are ready for spring - #MMBC

  3. I couldn't believe it when my dad wrote and told me you had snow in March! The week before you had beautiful weather and we had torrential rain. We've now gone into summer though.

  4. Strange week, so warm one day then snow another.

  5. I hope you will enjoy warm days soon. Heating can be expensive too same as here in Singapore we use Aircon for cooling, because it is too hot these days...

  6. What a difference a week makes, I miss the sunshine too so cold now X #mysundaysnapshot

  7. The weather has been so cold lately, hasn't it? I thought it was a bit warmer this week, but it's not much better, as the wind is bitter. We keep waking up to frost. As you say, not great to still need the heating on at this time of year with the prices going through the roof!

  8. I'm so fed up with the weather - we have literally had to stay inside for the past week and it's the kids holidays, though we have been decorating. I'm agree with you completely. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
