Sunday, 24 April 2022

Plane Trails. #MySundaySnapshot

We always have a lot of planes flying overhead, we don't have any airports near but do have quite a few airfields and on Friday when I was out and about I noticed the planes had been busy with all of the trails left in the sky. They were criss-crossing each other and looked so good against the blue sky!

Plane Trails

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. When I was a child I thought that it is not nice at all of the airplanes to scratch the sky !

  2. That's a lot of plane trails, there may have been an event on somewhere. x

  3. What a great shot! Aren't you quite near to Humberside Airport?

  4. Oh wow! That is really neat!!

  5. They do look cool in the sky x #mysundaysnapshot

  6. That is a fabulous photo. There is something very summery about the trails in a blue sky.

  7. Wow that is a lot of plane trails - so pretty though! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
