Friday, 8 April 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Chilled! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


This weeks word has two meanings. Chilled as in relaxed and chilled as in cold. I think it describes our week well. We have relaxed a lot and complained about the cold a lot.

We have had a lovely week and I haven't done much at all apart from my usual jobs and housework but with the added bonus of not having to rush to get up in the morning and get Ellie to school. I do love the school holidays. I have spent time with my girls and have had lots of fun and giggles. It has been so chilled well apart from about 10am when I am shouting at my girls to get their lazy backsides out of bed. hehehe

I think the most exciting thing to happen this week was that we went into town to buy school shoes for Ellie. I bought her a pair of school shoes in November after her last one's fell to bits and she hated them, I didn't think there was anything wrong with them but she kept wearing trainers for school which isn't allowed. I said if she gets caught I would not back her up and I would tell the teachers that she has school shoes at home. They were plain black trainers and she got away with it until they fell to bits I told her she would have to wear her school shoes which she hated but she had in fact grew out of them. I checked and double checked so we had to get new shoes! Grr! We spent more than we usually do so I expect these to last until Christmas at least.

I was looking back at photos from this time last year and what a difference in the weather. Last year I was out in the garden, in the sunshine. It's like the world is having a laugh at us. The energy bills went up and then we have snow, rain, wind and freezing temperatures. We pay for our gas & electric quarterly when we get the bill but I do pay a some every month so by the time the bill comes we are usually well in credit. I paid £100 extra this month because I am dreading the next bill coming in. The kids were complaining about being cold the other day but they were walking around with thin jumpers on, in their bare feet and were leaving doors open all over the place. I had a little shout at them and told them the heating wasn't going on until they had something on their feet and a jumper. Of course when they layered up they were warm and there was no need for the heating to be put on. Grr!

 I have just been out in the garden and all of the signs of spring are there, my plants growing, dandelions taking over the back garden and the sun in the sky but eesh, it is cold and the April showers have started too. I daren't hang anything on the washing line. 

Becky seems to have been the only one who has been busy. Her girlfriend came to stay for a couple of days, she went for her usual Tuesday at the pub playing pool, she went out with a different friend shopping and now the weekend is here and she's back at work. I am quite glad that I don't have much of a social life, it's exhausting. lol

How has your week been?

Word of the Week linky


  1. I have got to take my youngest two shoe shopping; I don't think I have bought either one of them shoes in over a year and I know they must be close to busting out the seams on theirs.

  2. My Little man needs new trainers, they are the same size as his shoes which fit perfectly but he says they are tight! It's nice to have a chilled out week, but the cold is not so good. We are on holiday now and I don't really expect to see my girls before lunch time! xx

  3. I love holidays now my daughter is older. It's so nice to get out of routine and not rely on alarm clocks! I hope you all have a lovely Easter :)


  4. Sounds like you've had a lovely start to the holidays. Last week was cold though. I don't blame you for making everyone layer up before putting the heating on. It was not a great week to be without ours! Hope that Ellie's new shoes last her. #WotW
