Monday, 29 January 2024

Our weekly meal plan! 29th Jan - 4th Feb. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything and enjoyed everything! The Gousto meals we had last week were so good. There was a lot of comfort food and it went down so well. The minty lamb & potato stew was so easy to make and just what we needed on a cold, windy day, it's gone onto the list of things that we will be having again! I also impressed myself with the cheesy sauce which went with the Veggie Philly Cheese'steak! How did I not know how to make a cheese sauce before? The girls have said they want the cheesy sauce on every meal that they eat as it was so good. lol

This week looks set to be a good one. Stu booked a couple of days holiday from work, he took 2 days and with his normal days off means he gets 4 days off on the trot. January always seems such a long month so he wanted something to look forward to at the end of it, it's like a reward for getting through the longest month of the year. We don't have anything planned or many jobs to do around the house so he's just going to have some time to relax and maybe sort the garage out. That is his domain and I keep dumping junk in it. Oops. lol

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Stu is cooking. He has said some sort of chicken and pasta dish. Who knows what we will get?
Tuesday - Gousto meal - Curried winter veg soup with parsnip crisps & yoghurt. Parsnips are my favourite vegetable so I am excited about the parsnip crisps.
WednesdayGousto meal - Tomatoey pork meatball sandwich with chips.
ThursdayGousto meal - Hoisin Pork Wraps. I am sure we have had this before or something very similar.
FridayGousto meal - Classic Hot Dog With Sweet Onions And Cheesy Fries.
Saturday - Pizza! The girls have been asking for home made one's so I will make them.
Sunday - Pie and mash.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Cheesy fries sound really yummy - do you just sprinkle cheese on top of regular fries?

    I have no idea what we're eating this week. I have red pepper sauce left over after yesterday's pasta so may experiment with using it for lasagne.


    1. Yes, this time it's just cheese sprinkled on top but last week we had cheesy chips and I made a cheesy sauce to go over the top which was a new thing for me. My family loved it! x

  2. Friday night sounds like such a good one! Yummy!

  3. I was so proud of myself for sitting down this weekend and planning not only this coming week but the whole month of February too! Tonight we're having teriyaki chicken with couscous and green beans, tomorrow we're having pumpkin mac and cheese with salad, Wednesday (I think!) we're having homemade sloppy joes and fries, Thursday is... nope, I can't remember any further than that but I did make sure to go meal by meal and make sure I had ALL the ingredients needed. That makes me feel so accomplished for the week. Yay for a meal you don't have to cook; I hope it tastes yummy!

  4. All your meals sound delicious! This week I have planned my meals because I was all over the place during the school holidays and I need to be more organised now I'm back at work. Let's see how long that lasts LOL! How nice to have Stu home for four days. That is definitely nice to have that to look forward to. I can hardly believe that it's almost the end of January!
