Saturday, 13 January 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Routine! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Ahh! We are finally back into a normal routine and I am enjoying it! Ellie went back to college on Monday which actually seems like weeks ago as this week seems to have really dragged. Mid week it felt like it should have been the weekend already but we're here now and I am very glad!

The 7am alarm clock on Monday was no fun, just like I expected but at least Stu was home on his day off from work, it finally felt like a Monday again. We were grumbling about the piles of washing that needs doing but I could get a few loads washed a day but only one load dried on the airer's. We've decided to get a new tumble dryer, we have an old on in the garage which is as good as a chocolate teapot and we went online and found loads at decent prices but the delivery seemed to cost a lot so my dad is taking us to get one over the next couple of days. Hooray! 

We have been eating so much better with the help of the Gousto box but we ended up getting an air fryer on Thursday which obviously meant we were not going to eat what I'd planned. We all had different things cooked in the air fryer. I had scampi & chips and they were so good. I am already in love with air fryer and for the next couple of weeks we're not getting a Gousto box so I will be really testing it out.

I have enjoyed getting back into a routine of doing the housework and when the air fryer was delivered I needed to make space for it and move a few things around which meant I was in the mood for organising and ended up sorting all of the kitchen cupboards out. I found 7 bottles of Soy sauce (which my family say they can never find), 6 jars of mint sauce, 4 jars of seafood sauce and 4 opened jars of chocolate spread! Eesh! There is no need, I ask my family what we need from the food shop and they just tell me things that they can't find. I will have to be sure to look for myself in future.

Ellie has enjoyed being back at college with her friends and she says she has been working hard. She has now figured out how to use Uber Eats and get food delivered to college, her and her friends got McDonalds delivered on Monday, she came home with a pocket full of money as she used her bank account to pay and everyone gave her the cash. Today's job is for her to go to the post office and pay most of it back into her bank account. It did make me chuckle that it took her 6 months to get her first fast food delivered, Becky and her friends were doing it within weeks of starting college. lol

I never thought I would say it but Becky has got into a good routine with her saving, each month she puts so much from her wages into her savings account and she had more than I thought and she has been saving for a fancy laptop but wanted to wait until she hit a certain amount saved, she reached her target at the beginning of this month and has been umming and ahing about which one to buy. She finally made a decision the other day and it is arriving sometime today. She did make me chuckle, spending a lot of money on a laptop but complaining about paying £6.99 for delivery. lol

I hope I get a lie in this morning, I was planning on having a little one on Thursday but it was bin day and the bin men seemed to make such a racket and there was no chance to sleep through it. I was wide awake just after 7am. I am sure they are starting earlier and earlier each week. Ugh. 

I hope you have all had a good week?


  1. I feel like the only person in the world not getting back into a routine this week, everything feels so strange. I'm glad you like your air fryer. I haven't used mine in a while, maybe I should give it a go. I hope Becky is happy with her new laptop, she sounds like my son, he has so much in savings but he's so frugal, especially when it comes to delivery costs. xx

  2. Glad you are enjoying your air fryer. I keep wondering if it's something I would use. Friends rave about them.

  3. Good on Becky for saving up to get the laptop she wanted. I complain about delivery charges too! We don't have an air fryer, I really don't know where I'd put one to be honest but my parents use theirs a lot. Karen - Early Rising Mum

  4. Getting back to the routine should be good for everyone. I'm happy Ellie is exercising her 'near adult' priviledges and ordering food is at the top of the list for most teens. I hope that laptop is indeed a really good one. I was so happy when we bit the bullet and got a good one after so many years of getting a new laptop almost every two years. The airfryer saga... we have two that the girls came back from uni with. They are the ones who use it mainly, when they are ready for a quick meal that they don't have to stir or watch. Good luck with yours. You might want to consider getting some of those liners (some silicone ones are good) so you dont have to wash the tray insert too often. Blessings for a great week ahead.

  5. Wow, I can't believe Uber Eats delivers to colleges, but I bet Becky would complain about the delivery charges :). I don't have an airfryer as I have a halogen oven which is basically the same thing and Matthew loves it. It does feel good to be back into a routine whether it be an old one or starting a new one.

  6. Everything tastes amazing in the air fryer doesn't it?! They are so worth the money.
    I hope Becky is enjoying her new laptop, well done to her for saving up. It's so easy to throw money away at that age, we've all been there. xx

  7. Yay for the new air fryer! And good on Becky for saving up for her own laptop/computer. My youngest son did that one year... actually I'm pretty sure it was 2020 because we had to wait forever for computer chip parts to come in before they could deliver it. He still loves it though and did a great job on researching what he wanted it to do. I hope Becky loves hers as well.

  8. Routine is one of my favorite words!! I thrive on routine. I like having a word of the week…that’s a great and fun idea.

  9. It’s nice to get back into a routine. I don’t think I could manage the washing at this time of year without my tumble dryer! Glad that you’re enjoying experimenting with the air fryer. I’ve heard such good things about them but we really don’t have the countertop space for one! It’s funny the things you find in the kitchen cupboards when you have a good sort out, particularly when you end up with lots of the things that people can’t seem to find! Well done to Becky on getting into a good routine with saving. #WotW
