Saturday 6 January 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Slow! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


We have had a really slow start to the year. We had a late night on New Years Eve and all we did on Monday was laze about all day watching TV, TikTok, snoozing and eating. I was so glad that I had taken the decorations down on the Saturday and gave the house a good clean. Poor Becky was back to work on New Years Day night and regretted having one too many drinks on New Years Eve. hehehe She said she was on a go slow and didn't really have any get up and go until she'd finished that run of night shifts mid week.

Ellie still has a couple more days of her Christmas break from college and it has been really nice to have her home all week. I was reading through my memories on Facebook reading how every other year the schools and colleges have gone back around the 3rd or 4th. I had to double check the college websites that I had got the date right. I had and there's only just over a month until another week off in February for half term.

So with Ellie being off college we have been slow to get back into our routine. We have had good intentions of getting up early, setting alarms and then switching them off and not getting up until at the earliest 9am. It's not a bad thing though as when we have got up we have felt well rested and found time to do a bit of decluttering around the house.

The meal plan hasn't really gone to plan this week. We've so far eaten a few of the meals but I haven't had the motivation to spend time in the kitchen. We are back on the Gousto Boxes from Monday with some fresh, yummy sounding meals and the lamb doner with chilli sauce and chips which we have had in the past and loved. I am looking forward to eating better.

As much as we have had a slow week I have made a new years resolution which I don't want to think as a resolution as I don't like breaking them and kick myself when I do, to get outside each day for a walk and some fresh air. So far so good even on the rainy days, well apart from New Years Day when I was feeling so lazy. I even went out on Tuesday when it was chucking it down. We were all set for a day at home on Thursday doing Lego with just popping to the shop for milk but was in town and asked if we wanted to meet her and have a mooch around the shops. We didn't spend much and had a late lunch out, it was nice. Yesterday we had a walk to my dad's to see him and I came in useful as he needed some help with some things on the computer. I might actually keep this walking up, I do hope so.

We don't have much planned for today, hopefully we are getting a food shop delivered as I had forgotten about it until writing this blog post late yesterday afternoon. I am sure Asda won't let me down with a delivery slot. I am still mixed up with what day it is, I think changing my blogging schedule and having this and my Project 365 post a day later hasn't helped. Every day has either felt like a Sunday or Tuesday, a Tuesday because nothing much ever happens on a Tuesday. Hopefully on Monday I will be back on track with my days when the slow days are over and the alarms are set for 7am. Eek!

I hope you have all had a good week? What have you been up to?

Word of the Week linky


  1. Getting outside everyday is a good resolution, mine is to drive my car more often just so I can be rid of these four walls! Getting back into a routine after the holiday is a slow process. x

  2. I was wondering what was up with you when I didn't see your post! It's something that I have got used to look forward to. It the back of my mind, walking more is there but someone has to physically push me out the door when it gets so cold and dark! Rainy! Fingers crossed for us. Some schools around here don't go back until the 10th (teacher training on the 8th and 9th). Enjoy the extra hours with Ellie. I hope her studies are going well. All the best to you too for a fantastic year.

  3. Oh I think slow is a very Good word especially for the first week of the year.


  4. Going outside each day is a great thing. After our dog died we stopped the daily walks and it shows. We were feeling better after a walk, even if was raining or it was cold outside. Good luck with that.

  5. Getting back into routine after the festivities is hard especially when you don't know what day it is. It's great that you have been walking. It has really helped me as far as getting exercise and it's been great for dealing with anxiety. I pop my earbuds in and focus on some positive affirmations and getting to work on time. Now I'm on holiday I've tried to go for walks but it's harder when I don't have to be anywhere. A couple of times I've done my usual walk to work and back home again.LOL

  6. It’s nice to have a slow start to the year – we were doing the same. Hope that setting the alarms and getting back into routines wasn’t too much of a shock. Good luck with trying to get outside more this year. Having a blogging schedule is such a good idea. I’d like to try and get my blogging mojo back a bit more this year and post a bit more than just my weekly Friday Focus post. Happy new year to you and your family x #WotW
