Sunday, 21 January 2024

Week 3 of #Project365 14th - 20th January! A photo every day for a year!

January is really dragging, it has been cold and I am ready for some warmer weather. It hasn't been a bad week though, the sun has been shining and it has been bright, looking out of the window it could almost pass for a summers day if you ignored the frost, I am back in control of the laundry and I have mastered cooking dippy eggs. lol It has been a pretty good week when I think about it.

Yesterday I didn't have much to do so after the housework was done I had a lazy afternoon and today we're planning on going out for lunch. I have missed having a Sunday lunch out with the cafe which we go to being closed for an extended Christmas break. I cooked a roast dinner a couple of Sundays ago and it was so much effort and then there was the washing up to do. It's nice to have a walk out and have a big meal cooked for us.

Now for a photo every day!

Tumble dryer and frost
Laptop and dippy eggs
New kettle and toaster
Mocktails and Wordle

14/365 - 14th January
We finally got a tumble dryer, it took a little while to figure out what the best programme was but we've got it now, the Mix and Dry one. It doesn't take forever and dry's all sorts of materials at the same time. I have emptied the washing basket a couple of times which is usually unheard of at this time of year. I love it!

15/365 - 15th January
Stu and I went for a walk to my dad's and there was still frost on the ground at lunchtime. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be but I had wrapped up well with layers, my big coat, hat and gloves. 

16/365 - 16th January
Becky's new laptop arrived, finally! It does look vary fancy with the lit up keys. She loves it and even I can see how better the graphics are compared to her old laptop. The only bad thing about it is the noise it makes, the fan is so loud.

17/365 - 17th January
Dippy eggs! I cooked them for the first time in the air fryer and they came out perfectly. Becky had them for breakfast yesterday and Ellie and I decided we wanted them too, we even gave our usual Tesco meal deal a miss for them, they're that good. 10 minutes at 120C.

18/365 - 18th January
I had some vouchers to use up that I got for Christmas and we needed a new toaster, the old one just kept on toasting and wouldn't pop up. I decided to get the matching kettle too.

19/365 - 19th January
I hadn't planned on doing Dry January but here we are. I decided to treat myself to something nice to drink and got these J2O Mocktails. They were quite nice.

20/365 - 20th January
I have started playing Wordle again and have a 14 day streak! Hooray! I used to play it a couple of years ago and it seemed a lot harder. This week apart from yesterday I seemed to be solving them in 3 guesses.

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  1. I love wordle but do go through phases with it. I have a few daily puzzles online I like to do that's part of my routine. Interesting how different all the dippy eggs take.

  2. I didn't know you could do eggs in the air fryer, but then again I can't remember the last time I had soft boiled eggs. Yours did look yummy! Maybe I might have one this week.

  3. Well done on your Wordle streak! I lost a 252 day streak over Christmas when I missed a day which was really annoying!


  4. Glad you got your dryer. Love the photo of the dippy eggs. Now I want some too!

  5. Your week sounds like a good one. Getting new appliances is always a positive. Love the photo of dippy eggs!

  6. Yay for tumble driers, if I had the room for one I would get one in a heartbeat! Have even been tempted to get rid of dishwasher for one lol. I haven't seen the J20 before but they sound lovely, will need to look out for them next time I'm shopping x

  7. January definitely feels like it is dragging. Love dippy eggs. They look like they turned out really well in the air fryer. Well done on your Wordle streak. #project365

  8. I haven't done wordle for ages, I usually guess round the 4th attempt. I too couldn't live without our new tumble dryer since we got one just before Christmas. I don't mind the cold weather, I'm happy to have seasons back again and I'm enjoying the cold after all the years in the sun.

  9. I didn’t know you could do eggs in the air fryer - they look perfect! I couldn’t be without our tumble dryer now, I was adamant I’d never get one but now we have it’s a true blessing.

  10. Dippy eggs in the air fryer??? I will have to give that a try. I would be lost without my tumble drier and we only use three out of the 20 odd settings

  11. What dippy eggs in the air fryer? Mind blown

  12. January always seems to drag! I love the new toaster and kettle! A tumble dryer is so worth having in winter...although I have managed to shrink a few items of clothing over the year lol!

  13. I am in total agreement, I am freezing this month! I am just so fed up of January it is going on forever... love the kettle and toaster, gorgeous design! Fab effort on the dippy eggs, I wouldn't have thought of using the air fryer for eggs, we have one so might have to give it a whirl!
