Sunday, 17 November 2019

The first birthday cake of the week. #MySundaySnapshot

This is going to be a week of cake! hehehe I have my 40th birthday later in the week and yesterday it was 7 years since I wrote my first blog post. I had to celebrate and did of course with cake. Reduced cake from the local Co-op and a random sparkly candle left over from Becky's 17th birthday.


  1. Hasn't the blogging scene changed in those years! Happy anniversary to my favourite blog,enjoy the cake x

  2. Yay blog birthday cake! Enjoy x

  3. Happy blog birthday! My blog was 6 this week - it's changed so much hasn't it? Cake looks fab!

  4. Yummy looking cake! I did wonder why there was a hook on top of it ;-) Happy blog birthday. #MMBC

  5. Happy blog birthday. Hope you get another cake for your birthday too

  6. I love that you gave your blog a birthday party! A lady after my own heart to celebrate all occasions with cake :-) #MMBC

  7. Aww what a great cake. I love that you gave your blog a birthday party. It is like a third child xxx

  8. Happy blog birthday - have your cake and eat it! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  9. Oooh happy birthday! Hope you had a fab day & looking forward to hearing all about it! #MySundaySnapshot
