Saturday, 9 November 2019

Week 45 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

It has been a wet week. We've had so much rain. Yesterday I was sick of being stuck inside so I decided to go out no matter what and I spent the day at my dad's helping him out. It of course rained for about an hour, heavy but I just sat and had a catch up with Sarah his partner. I spent most of the day raking leaves and came home cold but I felt so much better for being out.

Now for a photo every day!

304/365 - 2nd November
I found the cupcakes I forgot about for Halloween in the cupboard. Oops. They were still OK to eat so that was good!

305/365 - 3rd November
We watched the film Nativity Rocks! I wasn't sure about the new Mr Poppy but I liked it and even laughed out loud a bit.

306/365 - 4th November
I got some of the Christmas decorations out so I could take some photos for a blog post. I got them put away before the kids got home so they didn't get any ideas about putting them up.

307/365 - 5th November
Fireworks! We watched them from the bedroom window instead of going out into the cold.

308/365 - 6th November
I hate this time of year, trying to get the washing dry.

309/365 - 7th November
Rain, rain and more rain!

310/365 - 8th November
Leaves, leaves and more leaves. lol

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  1. Yes I hate trying to get the washing is a nightmare.

    We didn't really get to see many fireworks this year as not many people did them! Seemed really quiet this year.

    Will have to watch Nativity Rocks

  2. Lol, we love Nativity Rocks. I don't think we've ever seen the original though. Bonus cupcakes are always good.

  3. Glad your Halloween cakes were still OK to eat! The weather has been horrible lately, but it's still definitely better to get outside in it. I'm with you on the washing - it is a nightmare to dry at this time of year.

  4. Oh yes, the week was another rain-fest. I now have the heating on every day, as the house feels cold otherwise. Hidden cupcakes found just in time is great.
    Fab fireworks! We didn't see any this year. Usually our neighbours from across the garden do a big display, but this year we could only hear some distant fireworks but didn't see them.

  5. Love the photos Kim! Looks like you had a good week:) I've had a break from blogging lovely to see your blog still doing so well and looking ace with your little 're do:) x

  6. I do love it when I find goodies in the cupboard that I've forgotten. Hope the weather is being kinder to you this week. #wotw

  7. watching the fireworks from indoors sounds like the best idea to me, glad the cupcakes were still in date, they look yummy

  8. What a fun week! Those cupcakes look amazing. Smart of you to put the decorations away quickly. Lovely view of the fireworks.

  9. The rain has been so dismal and the pretty red and golden leaves are turning to brown mush which is nowhere near as nice :( #project365

  10. good old tumble dryer in this very none eco friendly home.
    Love the leaves when they freshly fall but they are a real dangerous nuisance when squashed and wet on the roads

  11. We haven't had as much rain as it's been frosty. It has been really pretty with the leaves. Those cupcakes look amazing xx
