Friday, 15 November 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Waiting! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I seem to have spent most of the past week waiting for things. Some of the waiting has frustrated me. All in all it's one of those weeks that I have wished away.

Last week in my WotW post I mentioned how Ellie needed a new school coat. I ordered it on Friday with next day delivery. What a fuss I have had. I followed the Hermes tracking details and it was delayed because of the bad weather which I am assuming the flooding because Saturday was a dry sunny day, then they couldn't find my address. I tried to contact Hermes and they basically said it's not their problem get in touch with Sports Direct. I did and they said the parcel was still at their warehouse awaiting collection. Someone was telling fibs, my guess was Hermes!

On Monday Hermes driver supposedly collected my parcel from the local depot and then the tracking updated saying my parcel had been delivered. There was even a photo showing it stuck out of a letterbox. Not my letterbox though. Mine isn't that colour and is not at the bottom of the door, mine is halfway up. Grr!

I have been emailing Sports Direct and was told to check with my neighbours which I obviously did. I get a feeling from the emails that because the Hermes person took a photo of a random door they are believed over me so I took a photo of my door with the door number on. If Hermes can use a photo of a door as proof they delivered it surely me sending a photo of my actual front door is proof too. 

I daren't order a new coat or anything to be delivered here in case Hermes deliver to the wrong house again. I am having to use my dad's address. It's not the best time for me to be worrying about receiving parcels with me ordering Christmas presents. 

Top tip: If you need to speak to Sports Direct customer services don't waste your time using the online form on their site, go straight to Twitter. They are much more responsive on there. hehehe

Update from today - I got an email this morning saying Hermes have not been able to get in touch with the person who delivered my parcel yet Sports Direct are saying they've had confirmation that the parcel was delivered so again someone is telling lies. I told Sports Direct what Hermes said and just like that we're being issued with a refund. Hooray!

On Monday I cooked our Christmas cake! It's the first time I've even attempted one and I'm glad to say it has turned out well, I think. It looks like a Christmas cake and smells like one. I was dying to try a slice but we must wait until nearer Christmas when the marzipan and icing have been put on. I'm quite tempted to make my dad and his partner one for Christmas as he does love Christmas cake.

I am also not so patiently waiting for my birthday! I turn 40 on Thursday and I am so excited for my presents. lol The kids have been dropping hints and basically winding me up. I hate waiting for things and they know it's torturing me but they are loving it. Little devils. I still don't know what I'm doing on my actual birthday. I was going to go and do a bit of shopping but we're in town the day before with Ellie for the yearly check up on her heart so I might just do the shopping then, I really want a new coat and some jumpers. If I don't manage to do some shopping then Becky is at the hospital for her heart check up in a couple of weeks. So I will have the chance then.

I spent Tuesday night waiting up to book slot for the Christmas grocery order from Asda. I pay for the delivery pass so I get to book early. I needn't have bothered there was still free slots when I checked at Wednesday lunchtime. lol I don't care, I will have my Christmas food shop delivered on the 23rd! Hooray!


  1. What a load of faff about your parcel, I hope you get it sorted soon. Waiting for things is always the worst, I'm waiting on about six parcels today, two have been delivered already, it looks like I'm going to be walking to the door a lot today. I hope the girls heart checks go okay and that you get all your wishes for your birthday, how exciting turning 40. I had a 3 month old baby when I turned 40 so I hoped I'd get a party for my 50th, but my husband didn't manage to arrange it, he left it too late and everywhere was booked up for Christmas. I'm not expecting much this year, although the older kids keep asking me what I want. xx

  2. First, happy birthday a little bit early! What a headache you had with the coat delivery! It's good that you got a refund, but all of the hassle you had to go through and you still don't have a coat! Ugh! One of the problems with online ordering and delivery.

  3. We've had misleading messages from Hermes too, in the past. Say one thing, which you know is not true. They have improved in our area. Hope you get your package soon. Not long to wait for your birthday now. Exciting! Hope you have a fabulous day. #wotw

  4. These private postal companies really are a pain. Our university text books are usually delivered by Yodel and loads go missing all the time! Oh, and Happy birthday...ah to be 40 again lol

  5. Packages can cause such stress - had it myself recently and just got so waylaid and down about it all. Well done on the Christmas cake - will you be feeding it with brandy? I have not made one this year as nobody will bother or say much nice about it so why do it? Have a lovely 40th and perhaps by the time you turn 50 we will have met in real life! All the best for the heart check too. #MMBC

  6. Waiting ! Love the word - hope your 40th is totally fab
