It's my 40th birthday later this week and I am excited. Most people dread their big birthdays but I am excited for this one. I am living close to family, I have more friends than I've ever had and we have a little money set aside to I can celebrate properly.
When people have realised I have a big birthday coming up and they've asked what am I doing and I said I haven't got any plans at all. They seem surprised and suggest things I should do. Some of them are great ideas, others not so much.
What I'm not doing for my 40th birthday!
What I'm not doing for my 40th birthday!
Having a party.
A proper party in a proper venue is my idea of hell. I hate being the centre of attention. I don't want all eyes on me. If Stu my fella organised a surprise party I would walk out, I'm certain of it. I'm not being ungrateful but it is not my idea of fun!
Getting a tattoo.
I do want a tattoo, I have for years but I don't want to get one for my birthday. I want to get one when I choose to get one. I have never settled on a design I like and I don't want to get one for getting one's sake.
Having a Spa day.
I am not one to spend much on pampering myself and for a stupid amount of money I could get to use a pool at some hotel, use their gym, saunas and hot tubs, get a facial or massage and a tiny light lunch plus glass of wine. Some people might find it relaxing but I don't think I would like it at all. I hate people touching me and I would be much happier slobbing around in my pj's watching a box set.
Going away for a weekend.
I have thought about going away for a couple of days. We have babysitters now in the form of my dad and his partner but I really can't be bothered. It seems like a big waste of money just for Stu & I to go away. I would rather take the girls and with them being at school and college it costs a fortune during the school holidays.
Having a night out.
Nights out are overrated. It takes so much effort to find something to wear and do my make up. When I go out I get carried away and always drink to much. I have no self control and enjoy the freedom a little too much. Where we live there's a couple of pubs which I know if we walk in heads will turn and people will wonder who the new people are. We could go into town but the last bus back is at about half past eight at night. lol
At the moment the only plans I have are to go out for a meal with family, my dad, his partner Sarah, Stu and the girls. Stu has said he's going to plan a few surprises which I am not worried in the slightest about. He knows me and knows what I like and I don't.
All I have said I wanted is 40 birthday presents and a proper cake. Not a shop bought or home made one made by the kids. I want a professional one. hehehe
What did you do for your big birthdays?
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on all of the above. Turning 40 didn't bother me, but turning 30 did. So I spent it up in the highland of Scotland so I could avoid any surprise balloons and whatnot. Failed. my SIL happened to be up there with some of her friends and surprised me in a pub. I still moan to my husband that he kept it quiet, I did NOT want that at all.
In two years time I reach 50, and I will do something special for that. But not a big party, just something I've wanted to do for years.
I wish you a very happy birthday. The 40's are good. And a decent cake sounds like a lovely way to mark it. x
Happy Birthday! It was my 40th last month and my husband organised a surprise party for me...I must admit that when I stood outside and worked out what was going on I very nearly ran away, although it was lovely in the end! I've not done any of the others, although we did go on holiday for half term which coincided nicely with my birthday, so I think that counts!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had a big birthday celebration since my 18th! My 21st...I was pregnant, My 30th we had a few friends around for a drink but it wasn't really about me. My 40th, I had a 3 month old baby to look after and was not in a paryting mood. My 50th, I was looking forward to something special but my partner didn't arrange anything in time, I did have some lovely gifts but didn't do much. My 51st, although not a big birthday, was spent getting married so the focus wasn't on my birthday at all even though we had the big party! This year I feel like hiding under a rock, seriously, I feel 70 already, I don't need any more birthdays. I have to say though, my 40s were the best years in my life, so enjoy your birthday whatever you do and make the most of the next decade, it's a good one xx
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday for this week Kim. You do whatever you want - it’s your birthday after all! I did have a party for my 40th but I quite like the excuse for a party. Hope you get what you wish for and have a wonderful birthday x
ReplyDeleteI spent my 40th at britmums! (a few years ago now). Do what suits you, it's your birthday after all x
ReplyDeleteI could have wrote this myself Kim, I didn't want any faff for my 40th and celebrated quietly at home with close family. I did have a few treats like an afternoon tea and a shopping spree but would have hated a big party or something forced. I hope you have a wonderful 40th x