Friday, 29 November 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Shopping! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I have done a fair bit of shopping the past week and I've got myself quite a few bargains.

I started the week getting a massive food shop from Iceland. It was to fill the freezer I bought a few weeks ago in an auction local to us. It was a bargain buy for £26 and in the long run will save us money, in fact it already has. I spent £130, mostly on freezer stuff and it is going to feed us until I get the Christmas food shop on the 23rd of December. 

Now the weekend is almost here I don't have to do another big shop and I've worked out our food bill this week will come to about £20. We need bread, milk, ham, baked beans, fruit and maybe a bottle of wine, way better than the usual £100 I spend.

Ellie has been going on about the Smiggle Advent calendar for months has been begging for me to buy it for her. She is a big fan of Smiggle. A while ago I said no way! It was £28 and in my opinion over priced and she has been watching it drop in price and last weekend it was down to £18. Still way more than I'd usually pay but I am being soft this year trying to keep the Christmas magic alive now that my girls don't believe in Santa. I ordered it and it arrived during the week. It's actually bigger than I thought it was and Ellie is so happy with it. I've just checked and now it's down to £16. lol

I took advantage of The Entertainer Toy Shop having a Black Friday sale. They have some great bargains, a lot half price or better. I got a big box of things, mostly for Ellie delivered and just a couple of things for Becky. She's a little too old for that shop now which makes me so sad, another sign that she's growing up. Although I did get the Friends Trivia Game which I can't wait to play with her. We're both big Friends fans so it will be interesting to see who knows more. 

After Becky had her heart check on Tuesday (she's fine and is back in 18 months) her, Stu and I went and did some Christmas shopping in town. Because Ellie had the Smiggle advent calendar Becky needed a fancy one too and she already knew what she was going to get. The 12 day Pringles one and a 12 day bath fizzer one from B&M. They both were still actually cheaper than the Smiggle one. lol. We also bought a ton of new Christmas decorations. I went way over the top and probably have more than we need but it's the first Christmas in this new house, I want it to be special. 

I had planned on waiting to put the Christmas trees up until the 1st of December but I wanted to check they would fit where I'd planned to put them and once they were up there was no point in taking them down for a few days and while they were up we might as well decorate them. hehehe Ellie did one and Becky did the other. We've gone for two smaller trees this year instead of a big one.

I am hoping that this time in a couple of weeks I'll be finished the present shopping and made a start on the wrapping.


  1. I'm shopping today, I've nearly finished all the big stuff. I'm so chuffed I managed to get the Little Man a robot he wanted which is normally £250, for just £80 in the Black Friday Sale. That will be a big surprise because my budget for each child is £200 and now he can have what he wants and a lot more. Now, I just need to find a good chocolate sale ...I still haven't got advent calendars! I got a Smiggle calendar a few years back for free, but they are so expensive for what you get, glad you got a bargain, but a shame it went even cheaper. xx

  2. Oh Kim, I've just read the post about Smiggle from a couple of years ago. At least the advent calendar wasn't £155! I'm a bit jealous to hear how organised you are, better get my bum in gear! Also, why is the bottle of wine a maybe? I think you deserve it ;) #wotw

  3. Sounds like a good week for shopping and hope that your girls enjoy their advent calendars. I love The Entertainer - it's such a great toy shop. Love that your girls got to decorate a tree each and hope that your first Christmas in your new house will be a magical one x #WotW

  4. I love the entertainer, got some great bargains in there, this week, too. I'm surprisingly organised for Xmas, this year, bought out Advent calenders about a month back x
