Saturday, 16 November 2019

Seven years blogging!

It has been 7 years since I wrote and published my first blog post! I just jumped right in with it and never even introduced my self. I think it was a good few months before I even had an "about me page". lol This is the longest that I have ever stuck at anything and it's one of the best things I've ever done.

I think this has been the biggest year for me when it comes to blogging. This time last year I was Northumberland Mam using the blogspot URL then we moved house and it was daft being called Northumberland Mam when we lived nowhere near Northumberland so I bought a domain and became Life As Kim.

Each year I like to share my favourite blog post from the previous year. These are them. They may not be my most viewed posts but they are the one's that bring back happy memories and one's I like the most.

It was the first meeting we had after Ellie had started secondary school (it seems so long ago). I went in worried  but came out reassured and supported. The SENDco woman was amazing and made not the greatest school year bearable. 

This still stands this year (mostly). lol A list of what my girls are not getting for Christmas. I am sure they think I have a money tree in the back garden.

I love looking at old photos of the kids but not so much of myself but I felt brave and shared quite a few old photos of myself. 

In February I always post about Congenital Heart Defects. Both of my girls have dodgy hearts, a lot less now after they had heart surgery but I think it's important to share information, advice and blog posts about heart defects.

March - There is a lot that I don't share. 

This was all about how I share a lot of mine and my families life online there is a lot that I don't share. 

April - I think this photo really sums up what my girls are like.

This was one of my Sunday photos and I love it. It's one of those photos that I fancy getting put onto a canvas

May - Before I was a blogger.

This blog post was all about my life before I was a blogger. So much has changed! 

June - My teens favourite memories from school.

All about Becky's favourite memories from school. As much as she hated school she does have fond memories. 

July - It's like a whole new world.

I wrote this a few days after we moved house. About how it is so different living in a small town in the countryside. I can honestly say I still love it, even with the rubbish weather we've been having.

August - The birthday I nearly forgot.

Stu doesn't feature much on my blog but he did for this blog post when I almost forgot his birthday!

September - A new start away from the bullies!

I wrote about how Ellie had a new start away from the mean girl who bullied her for about 8 years! She has such a good group of friends now and I'm glad to say there is no more bullying.

October - Blackberry picking on a sunny Saturday.

We had such a lovely time blackberry picking. It was a gorgeous day and it was great to get out of the house and do something with the kids away from electronics.

Thank you for reading! Thank you as well to anyone who leaves a comment, retweets a Tweet, hearts and Instagram photo or give a thumbs up to my rubbish YouTube videos. I appreciate you all!

Here's to another seven years! 


  1. Happy blogiversary ! Wow, seven years - we've been all been around online for so long. Long may it continue ! xx

  2. Seven years, wow! Happy blogiversary! x

  3. Happy Blogversary Kim, 7 years and still going strong, well done. xx

  4. Many congratulations - 7 years ! Keep up the great work

  5. Happy belated blog birthday, 7 years is such a long time to stick to blogging. Hope your 8th year is just as lovely x

  6. Happy 7th blog anniversary beaut! I might be biased but I bloody love your blog. 😉 xx

  7. What a 7 years! We turn 7 in January 2020 - not sure where the time has gone! #MMBC

  8. Happy 7th Blogaversary Kim. Story Snug's 7th birthday was last month, I didn't realise we'd been blogging for the same amount of time. I didn't expect to be blogging for so long but I'm still having fun :o)


  9. Happy Blog birthday. I always love your posts. Sorry I don't get time to visit often enough
