Monday 29 June 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 29th June - 5th July. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan was a bit it and miss and I am blaming it all on the weather. Cottage pie on one of the hottest days of the year so far was not for us so we had pasta, tuna, sweetcorn and mayonnaise.

I got my first ever shop from Morrisons on Friday and it went really well. There were a few subs but the majority were OK. I ordered big ice cubes because they didn't have any of the normal one's available when I ordered and they replaced the big one's with the one's I couldn't get. That'll do me. The delivery driver was fab too. He recognised that our accent wasn't from around here and thought he sounded familiar too. It turns out up until about 5 years ago he lived in the next town over from us when we lived in Northumberland! We had a good chat with him. He was here for about 20 minutes talking about up north. lol If I could guarantee he would deliver every time I would become a regular of Morrisons. He was such a nice guy.

I've bought a ton of salad this week and quick to make food so what's the betting the temperature drops. lol

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Vegetable fajitas.
Tuesday - Ham salad with new potatoes. 
Wednesday - A picky tea. Sausage rolls, mini pizzas, pork pies, cocktail sausages, cheese, crisps & cakes.
Thursday - Chicken salad wraps.
Friday - Quiche with spaghetti hoops.
Saturday - Pizza. It might be home made if I can be bothered.
Sunday - Roast chicken and chips.

What are you eating this week?


  1. it all sounds good - think I'm in the mood for roast chicken and chips! #MMBC

  2. I love the sound of picky tea! I'm making Sweet and Sour chicken tonight to use up some peppers that are in the fridge. #MMBC

  3. I keep meaning to get round to meal planning but so far haven’t done it as yet! I love veggie fajitas and not had them for a while, so thanks for reminding me to have them again soon. Hopefully the weather is still really nice so you can eat your salads and still feel summery. 😊

  4. Can I come over Wednesday?

  5. Brillant meal plan and love it when you have a great delivery driver. I am the same with pizza hahaha I have one in the freezer this week for emergency x

  6. I hope we can fit a roast chicken sometime soon, it's one of my favourites. I don't get to talk to the delivery drivers but Graham can be quite chatty. The one we had today was a bit grumpy though. He complained that we could have moved our car so he didn't have to come so far from his van! Honestly he had to walk about an extra metre that's all, less than social bloomin' distancing, lol. x

  7. Ooh I love a nice picky tea! Hope you're keeping well and thanks, as always, for linking up x
