Sunday, 27 November 2022

Good things come from the North East. #MySundaySnapshot

My friend and her husband came from the North East to visit us over the weekend and she didn't just bring her self which was good enough she brought me Pease pudding too! We can't get Pease pudding here in North Lincolnshire unless it comes out of a tin and that stuff is not good.

Pease pudding is a pale yellow colour and is nothing like mushy peas. It’s made by soaking yellow split peas in ham stock and has a creamy, subtle flavour. I have tried making it myself in the past and it was OK but it's just not the same as shop bought.

Traditionally Pease pudding is served with pork but I only ever have it in sandwiches. So every day this week I have had ham and Pease pudding sandwiches for lunch. One day I had an early lunch and then another sandwich mid-afternoon. hehehe

Pease Pudding

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. I have never heard of pease pudding but it sounds very delicious! We all love our condiments in sandwiches and everything! So this sounds exactly like something we would live to eat

  2. Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold, pease pudding in a pot 9 days old. I remember this from my childhood days, but when i asked my Mum what pease pudding was, she had no idea! So, I've never tried pease pudding but I'm glad you managed to get some from your friend. x

  3. I heard the rhyme in childhood but didn't even know what it was. It was something you said. I think of dessert when I hear the word pudding. I'm very curious about it! #MMBC

  4. Thisiswhereitisat28 November 2022 at 14:58

    Omg love please pudding so good and worth the wait ☺

  5. I was going to say I had never heard of this but then reading Carol's comment I realized that I too had heard about it through a song I learned in childhood and I never knew what it was.

  6. How lovely of your friend to bring pease pudding for you. I've never tried it, but I do remember a nursery rhyme about it!

  7. Mmmm tasty! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
