Friday, 18 November 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Thanks! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


So much seems to have happened in a week and it seems a lot longer than a week since I wrote my last Word of the Week blog post. Ellie joked last week saying it feels like we need an extra week somewhere in November as it's such a busy month for us.

The big news of the week is that Ellie had an appointment at hospital to sort her hearing aids out thanks to the wonderful hearing support lady who visits her at school who chased things up for us. The short story is that the awful doctor we saw 8 months ago is no longer working at the hospital because he wasn't doing his job properly. He hadn't referred Ellie for her hearing aids. From that appointment to getting her hearing aids should have taken 6 weeks at the most. I have been very angry and upset over the past week but I am not going to dwell on it, Ellie will have her hearing aids before Christmas. I am going to write a full blog post about what has happened because it's too much drama to fit into my WotW post. lol I said thanks to the new doctor that we saw yesterday when he was apologising for the mess that the old doctor had left us in. He seems like a good one and is sorting us out. Phew!

This week saw my little old blog turn 10. It is crazy to think that I have been blogging for so long. Becky put it into perspective and said I have been blogging for half of her life. Thank you to everyone who reads and comments, I really do appreciate the support.

We're getting this weeks food shop for free thank's to the company which Stu works for. When someone phones up to upgrade their phone and adds on an extra feature to their account Stu gets a little bonus and all the bonuses are converted to points and he can convert those to gift cards. These bonuses have paid for most of the Christmas presents for the kids, we have points put aside to pay for the Christmas food shopping and then he got his October bonus which was more than we expected so we're going to use that to pay for the food shop this week with a few extra treats and things to put away for Christmas. I think the bonuses are crazy, he basically gets them for doing his job properly as well as his normal wage. I'm not complaining though. hehehe

Thanks to all of the rain we have had over the past week I have a mountain of washing to do. I do have a tumble dryer sat in the garage but I really don't want to use it. At the moment I am prioritising Ellie's school uniform, Stu's work clothes and Becky's clothes which she wears for work. I am sure I'll catch up eventually especially when we have the heating on more and the clothes can dry on the airers.

I am hoping it is dry tomorrow as we are going out. We're having a meal out as an early birthday treat for me. My birthday is on Monday and when I was planning things I thought the local pub would be shut, it usually is on a Monday but I forgot about the World Cup starting, of course they are going to open for that. I could have had a meal out on my birthday but an early one seems like a nice treat, it just means on my birthday I can get a takeaway as an extra treat. hehehe

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the Week linky


  1. It's so good that Ellie is finally getting her hearing aids sorted and that she will have them before Christmas. How frustrating that one careless doctor has caused so much stress. On a brighter note Stus work place sounds incredible! How fantastic to get so many bonuses. I hope the weather improves so you can get your washing done. Enjoy your lovely birthday meal this weekend xx

  2. So glad Ellie's hearing aids got straightened out and she'll have them in by Christmas! Happy blogging anniversary and an early birthday wish to you as well!!

  3. Happy Bloggy Anniversary! 10 years is a great marker. Glad to hear Ellie's hearing aids are coming.

  4. I'm glad Ellie is getting her Hearing aids sorted. I've been collecting bonus vouchers for Christmas shopping too, I just wish I knew what to spend them on. At this rate they'll all go on food!

  5. Happy birthday when it comes. You do have so much to be thankful for. I love these kinds of posts. Congrats on your blog turning ten too. It's one of my favourite blogs to read.

  6. An extra week in November would definitely be helpful! So sorry that Ellie’s hearing aids were delayed because of the awful doctor and glad that she will finally get them before Christmas. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. Your blog was one of the first I discovered when I started mine and I always enjoy reading your posts. Good luck with getting the washing done and hope you had a lovely birthday. #WotW
