Tuesday, 1 November 2022

In October I was grateful for... #365DaysOfGratitude

I have seen many people on social media list something every day that they are grateful for and thought I would join in and have on my private Facebook account every day and I thought I would share here too. I am hoping to continue it for the rest of the year and longer.


In October I was grateful for:

Day 274 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Becky got to sleep for work and Ellie got to go out with friends while I stayed at home doing the housework. Do you sense my tone, the sarcasm.

Day 275 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I stuck with watching Orange Is The New Black! It's so good! I'm up to the riot. Who'd have thought prisoners rioting could be so funny.

Day 276 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Becky has finally got her first driving lesson booked. It's been a long time coming! Covid stopped all of the lessons and then there were massive waiting lists. Now it's her time.

Day 277 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Ellie has her timetable for her mock exams. 

Day 278 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that we had a good parents evening for Ellie. We are so proud of her. We got the whole chat about how she's quiet in class and needs to be more confident from the teachers but she works hard, understands the work and is looking to do well in her GCSE's as long as she revises. 

Day 279 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I am ahead of watching Orange is the New Black than Becky! She can't spoil it any more for me. hehehe

Day 280 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for Passion Fruit Martini's. 

Day 281 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for remembering to do my grateful post with 10 minutes to spare. Just kidding! I am grateful for red hair dye! I've ditched the blue/purple and gone back to the red. My dad won't be happy! He hates the red. hehehe

Day 282 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Stu enjoys DIY. He made some shelves to go in some wasted space in the kitchen. Made them from an old bookcase and a curtain pole. In hindsight he should have painted them before he put them up but it doesn't matter, they look good, they're solid and painting can happen later.

Day 283 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I have more new shelves up! I now just need to figure out how to hide the wires. I wish I had ordered a couple more shelves for the other side of the fireplace. I have tried but they're out of stock! 


Day 284 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Ellie is working hard at revising for her mock exams which start next week. She must know everything there is to know about A Christmas Carol now.

Day 285 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I have come up with a few more ideas for Christmas presents for the girls. They're so hard to buy for now that they're getting older.

Day 286 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I have discovered Daisy May Cooper! I watched Am I being Unreasonable? over the last couple of days and now I've started on This Country! She's so funny!

Day 287 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Stu and Becky managed to get home, eventually. Stu from work waited for the 5.25pm bus and it didn't arrive then the next one was 25 minutes late and Becky was in Scunthorpe and waited over an hour for her bus home. 2 didn't turn up for her and she defiantly didn't miss any. I know the bus drivers are striking over the river in Hull but they did say our bus would not be affected! Grr!

Day 288 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today (yesterday!) I am grateful that I saw the advert for the new series of The Handmaids Tale and have started rewatching it.

Day 289 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a nice relaxed day with only a little bit of housework.

Day 290 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for Sudocrem! Burnt the tips of my thumb and pointy finger while making tea. Not bad burns but enough to hurt and make me realise how much I use my thumb and finger! Ouch! The cream is helping.

Day 291 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Becky had a fantastic first driving lesson!! She loves the instructor and she did a fair bit of driving which she thought was amazing and equally terrifying. She went around roundabouts, only stalled once and thinks indicators are going to take some getting used to! She's so chuffed with herself and rightly so.

Day 292 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for gingerbread scented candles although they always make me feel hungry when I smell them.

Day 293 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Liz Truss resigned. It won't fix anything, our country is messed up but it's a start! It sure can't get any worse.

Day 294 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Becky seems to be getting over the cold she has and so far hasn't passed it to any of us. Hooray for her being on night shift, sleeping all day and us hardly seeing her. (It's not Covid, she's tested several times).

Day 295 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Stu and I had a lovely meal. Steak and red wine pies, root veg mash and veg. We have lemon cheesecake to have but we're still too full. The kids had to make do with pizza. lol They weren't bothered, it was their favourite Chicago Town one.

Day 296 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that my family let me watch Doctor Who without talking all the way through it! Shouting what at the end was totally acceptable. lol

Day 297 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a fab day out shopping at Hull. Got a few more Christmas presents and went to the all you can eat place!

Day 298 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that Ellie is really into Doctor Who at the moment. She is slowly working her way through every episode and we have so much to talk about. hehehe

Day 299 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that the boiler man came to do the gas safety check and the boiler and cooker is good for another year. The gas fire wasn't so lucky though, it has been condemned. It didn't come as a surprise, it's probably nearly as old as me. lol

Day 300 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a peaceful afternoon while the kids went to the cinema. They had a great time and I had chance to catch up on a few jobs.

Day 301 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that the rain stopped which meant the girls and I had a nice walk out to see my dad.

Day 302 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for cookie cutters! They really helped with the carving of the pumpkins! I can't believe I haven't thought of it before but saw the idea on TikTok! 

Day 303 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful for a lazy day, watching films. The School for Good and Evil which was good but a little cheesy, Jessica Darling's It List a totally random one off Netflix but it was cute and funny, The Hunger Games and now The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will see me through until bedtime.

Day 304 of #365DaysOfGratitude 
Today I am grateful that I managed to grow my own pumpkin! It might not be the biggest but I am proud of it!

What were you grateful for in October?


  1. You are doing so well Kim, I think I gave up in February! I do read your posts on Facebook xx

  2. Aww lots of lovely things to be grateful for. I'm glad Becky's learning to drive now- good luck Becky! We found the same with Danny, due to Covid. Still waiting lists for tests etc too aren't there? They'll get there. Love OITNB and want to watch The School of Good and Evil. Daisy May Cooper is amazing. Your mentions of her make me want to re-watch This Country again xxx

  3. I just loved reading your list! So many things to be grateful for. Right this minute I’m grateful to be enjoying reading your blog as I wait to see the doc for test results! Xx

  4. Thisiswhereitisat2 November 2022 at 15:41

    Wow this is awesome so much positive things to be grateful for x

  5. Oh yes, driving is both exciting and terrifying at first. Sounds like your daughter is doing well though. I have zero ideas on what to get my boys for Christmas and so for the first time I'm buying gifts for everyone else first.
