Saturday, 5 November 2022

Week 44 of #Project365 29th October - 4th November. A photo every day for a year!

I messed up on last weeks Project 365 post and didn't even notice until the middle of this week. lol My Saturday photo from last week was actually from the Friday the week before. I don't know what the real Saturday photo was supposed to be. Oh well. This week I have double checked that the photos are from the right days. lol

I hope you have all had a good week. I have had a strange one, the clocks changing has really knocked me off kilter. I've not been unwell or anything, I just haven't felt right. I am fine today, (yesterday). I think the gloomy weather has had something to do with it as the sun is shining now and I feel great.

Now for a photo every day!

Bubble bar and The Hobbit on TV
Pumpkin and reduced cake
Mince pie and new fire
Blue sky

302/365 - 29th October
I used the bubble bar that I got from Lush. It was lovely,  smelled amazing and made so many bubbles! 

303/365 - 30th October
I had a day of watching films. I had been thinking about watching The Hobbit early on in the day but wasn't in the mood for it, I ended up watching it on the evening. I always forget that it is such a long film but it saw me through until bedtime.

304/365 - 31st October
I finally picked the pumpkin that I grew from a seed. I am so proud of it. It's not the biggest pumpkin out there but I grew it which I think is a big achievement.

305/365 - 1st November
You have to love a Caterpillar cake especially when it's reduced but I have just realised that they were fibbing about the original price! They said it was reduced from £7.30 but they're actually only £6.50. I'm going to complain! Hmmf.

306/365 - 2nd November
I got me a giant mince pie from the corner shop. 

307/365 - 3rd November
Our new fire has arrived. The old gas one wasn't safe and was condemned. We're getting this new one put in, it's electric which doesn't bother us as we don't use it that much. It's mostly me who wants a little warm up without putting the central heating on.

308/365 - 4th November
The sun was shining and there was blue sky. It really improved my mood.

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  1. You should be proud of that pumpkin! It looks wonderful. I find the weather and sunshine have a lot to do with my mood as well.

  2. Great pumpkin, it's always a good feeling when you grow something yourself. Hope you enjoy eating it. Hope the new fire's gone in easily.

  3. Lovely photos. The clock change really makes a difference, doesn't it? I fee so tired in the evenings. Glad you're better now. Naughty Tescos! xxx

  4. Congratulations on your pumpkin. He's a beauty. Don't know why I think it's a he, LOL. I wish you had included a picture of the caterpillar cake. It sounds cute. The quince pie looks good although I've never eaten quince. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Oh I mess up with the photos all the time with the numbering and missing a day of the week. Great cake bargain you had there. I'm loving Lush at the moment, usually the smell over whelms me and puts me off going in the stores

  6. Well done on managing to grow a pumpkin. Such a nice sense of achievement to grow your own veg. Sophie planted pumpkin seeds this year but we didn't have any success with them. That giant mince pie looks yummy. Always lovely to have some blue skies, especially at this time of year. #project365

  7. Last year I miscounted in August so had 4 months misnumbered and didn't notice until December! Congrats on your fab pumpkin, I'd be proud of that too! #project365
