Friday 25 November 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Perfect! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Last week my Word of the Week was thanks and I feel like I could use that word again. It was my birthday on Monday and so many people made the whole weekend perfect! My friend and her husband came for a visit, travelling down from Northumberland to surprise me, my family made an effort getting dressed up for my birthday meal, all the food I had was amazing, I am so grateful to the wonderful people who sent me cards and gifts and everyone who wished me happy birthday. I couldn't have asked for more.

I have a whole blog post written up about my birthday which you will be able to read next week. I had planned to post it yesterday but I never got around to finishing it as I have felt so tired from all the excitement over the weekend. I'm not as young as I used to be. lol Years ago, before kids I used to be out all weekend on an afternoon and night and still feel great come 6am Monday morning ready for the working week. I had one night out on Saturday, Sunday lunch out and an afternoon at the pub on Monday and I had to go back to bed on Tuesday as I was exhausted. lol

I would go as far to say the week has been perfect. Everything I had planned has gone to plan, well apart from me forgetting to fill the slow cooker one day. I'd not even got the meat out of the freezer so there was no hope. All the things I was looking forward have been way better than I expected even my substituted birthday cake from Tesco. I ordered a Lemon Curd one and they sent a Banoffee one which was amazing, The last episode of The Walking Dead was a good ending. I was happy with it. England won their first World Cup game and the whole week has just been the best. 

Stu has had some more days off from work, using his holidays up and it has been a real treat having him at home. When he is at work he is out of the house for about 12 hours a day which isn't perfect so having some time together has been special. We haven't actually done much apart from watch football which has been fun.

Ellie is on her best behaviour because she wants to go on a school trip a few weeks before Christmas. I would say she has been perfectly behaved apart from a little blip mid-week when I got a text saying she had a detention for repeatedly being out of bounds at school during lunch. I thought she would have been messing about in the big puddle which is like a small lake but it turns out she was inside walking around school with her friends when she should have been outside. Oops.

Becky got a cold at the perfect time. She started with a cold on Monday evening and then spent all day in bed for her night shift on Tuesday and slept most of Wednesday and was just about over it by the time she woke. I thought I had got away with not catching it but I am not feeling too great today. Nothing massive just a really snotty nose. Ugh!

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the Week linky


  1. Happy Belated Birthday - I have to add my wishes. Wow! You had a great weekend. I understand about feeling tired as we get older. I'm ahead of you in the age department and could not have made it through all your fun. It would have pooped me out. Wishing you a quiet relaxing weekend ahead.

  2. Happy birthday!! It was my birthday this month too. :) Glad to see that your word for the week was perfect when you had your birthday. xx

  3. I'm so glad you had such a lovely birthday. It sounds great, I love that your Northumberland friend came to visit, how special. I do hope you are feeling better soon and that Becky is ok now. xx

  4. So glad you had such a good birthday and such a lovely weekend. It does sound really lovely. It must have been especially nice to see your friend from Northumberland.

  5. Happy belated birthday Kim! I'm so happy to hear that you had such a lovely time xxx

  6. Ooops I pressed publish too soon. Happy Belated birthday Kim. The previous comment was from me xx

  7. What a lovely post to read! I'm glad things have been so lovely, and happy belated birthday xx

  8. Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit under the weather! It does sound like other than that the week was perfect.

  9. Perfect is such a lovely word for the week. Happy belated birthday. I’m so glad that you had a lovely birthday and that the rest of your week has gone so well. Lovely to have time with Stu with him having some time off work. Glad Becky is feeling better and hope that the cold hasn’t hit you too card. #WotW
