Monday, 28 November 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 28th November - 4th December. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Just writing this blog post has made me realise how close we are to Christmas, we go into December this week! Eek! This year has flown over! 

Last weeks meal plan went really well. We went to the pub on Monday for my birthday to watch the England match and of course we had some food. They were only serving bar snacks which we couldn't complain about since they're usually closed on a Monday. We had hot dog and chips and I struggled to eat it all as there was so much. The hot dogs seemed huge but were really nice.

Hot dog and chips

The Indian takeaway that I had for my birthday went better than expected. My family are not big fans of Indian takeaways until now. Becky played it safe and had a Korma, Stu chose a curry he's never had before a Dopiaza, I had a Kashmiri and Ellie had fried chicken but they really enjoyed their meals and it wasn't that expensive either. We will be ordering from that takeaway again.

We ate everything over the past week but I did end up swapping a couple of meals around as I forgot to get the beef for the stew out of the freezer and by the time I realised that I should have filled the slow cooker it was well in to the afternoon. Oops. It didn't matter, we just had the fajitas a day early.

On the menu this week we have:

Tuesday - Chicken stroganoff cooked in the slow cooker with tagliatelle pasta.
Wednesday - I am going to make more chicken stroganoff than we need on Tuesday and put the leftovers in pies which we will probably have with mash and veg.
ThursdayToad in the hole with mash and veg.
Friday - Home made fish, chips and mushy peas.
Saturday - Home made pizzas.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Glad you had a good birthday. Since we got an airfryer I am using the slow cooker lots more lol. Time is going quick isn't it. My eldest is 26 next month already!

  2. I often end up swapping what day of the week we eat the planned meals on... either because I forgot to take out the meat to thaw early enough or something gets moved around mid-week with our plans and I need an easy meal on a night I planned another more intensive meal.

  3. Yum! Your meal plans always make me hungry. I love putting leftover casseroles or stroganoff into a pie and then having this with mash and peas. It’s so good!

  4. You sound just like me, forgetting to defrost the meat and only realising you wanted to start the slow cooker mid afternoon ! The chicken stroganoff sounds great but then I just saw that it lacked flavour - maybe adding loads of extra spices would give it a bit more oomph. The hog roast in buns sounds great too :)
